COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

It’s completely unsurprising that people of color and other groups less likely to have access to adequate healthcare are being hit harder by this than the majority.

I read something about coronavirus not being as destructive per capita in Manhattan as it has been in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, likely due to the average person in Manhattan being far more affluent than people in the rest of the city.

NBA though. That negro Lebron was tested.

The US is only counting deaths in hospitals so likely these people had access to healthcare

Adequate being the key word.

There are some crazy differences between hospitals depending on where you are in NYC.

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Also those populations suffer higher rates of obesity and I assum other conditions that make them more susceptible to death from COVID.

So I now know one person who has gotten this. Not even someone I know well… but what I’m quite certain of is that he wasn’t ever tested and doesn’t count in the stats for Texas. He had the standard 2 week cycle for someone in their late 30’s that ends with mild pneumonia.

I strongly suspect that in the red states the vast vast majority of cases aren’t being counted. I also suspect that the deaths will be massively undercounted when that happens. We aren’t going to know what happened here until they start doing comparisons between normal deaths and 2020-2021 in 2022-2023.

Maybe not confirmed with testing, but we’re probably already there.

took our team two weeks. We skipped out on the call recording

Guess it depends on what you mean by youngs and olds and unhealthy. But in many households, that’s not at all possible generally due to unhealthy parents or older relatives living at home. And in even more households, it’s not possible once schools reopen. For example, once my daughter starts going back to school me and my wife (early 50’s) and by extension my dad (80’s) and mom (80’s and severely immuno-compromised) are essentially exposed to every family in my town plus whoever else they are exposed to. Most with kids my daughter’s age are in their 30’s or early 40’s so presumably part of the youngs giving it to each other.

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Unfortunately the call recording is mandatory from a regulatory perspective. Otherwise I could have been skyping in my pants from the couch in mid March.

Went to an elderly friend/neighbour’s last night at his request to help keep an eye on his wife who’d collapsed, while he phoned for an ambulance.

They arrived quickly and she’d regained most consciousness but they took her her into hospital anyway, and released her this morning as she seems ok now and they couldn’t find what had caused her blood pressure to drop so suddenly.

After she’d been taken, he told me he thought they’d both had covid 3 weeks before.


My wife loves them.

we just have to get email addresses and confirm certain requests over email for compliance purposes and save those emails sent on a server. Getting everyone laptops with citrix and finesse was about 10 days and getting approval from legal was another 10 days

I feel a bit weird but more kind of jealous to be honest.

Same here. I have a good friend/colleague who has been out for three weeks, can’t get tested, this past weekend she said she was having a hard time catching her breath, but didn’t want to go to the hospital. She’s doing slightly better now. Her doctor has put her in antibiotics and told her to sit tight and go to the hospital if things get bad. shrug

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I’m assuming you are using VOIP? Switching to working from home should not change the ability to record calls.

I know someone and his kid who assume they had it but we’re never tested. The numbers are going to be wayyyyy undercounted.

I knew I had a mask somewhere in my house because I used one years ago when mowing the lawn because of allergies. Just found it in the garage. Turns out it’s one of those N95 masks. Guess I don’t need to make my own for my grocery store trip in a few minutes.

Hopefully hanging it up in the garage afterward will be good enough to make it safe for the next time, since it will be a while and it’s not like I’m in a hospital. I’ll have to read up a bit.

My God, can you imagine Trump saying this?!