COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Also if we really are going to peak at 35k cases a day at that rate it takes a little less than 30 years for everyone to be exposed in the US.

Alaska is as spread out as it gets. Fairbanks is dry but Anchroage is extremely wet.

At least two other studies published on public repositories have drawn similar conclusions for the coronavirus. One analysis by researchers in Spain and Finland found that the virus seemed to have found a niche in dry conditions and temperatures between 28.3 degrees and 49 degrees Fahrenheit (or minus 2 and 10 degrees Celsius). Another group found that before the Chinese government started imposing aggressive containment measures, cities with higher temperatures and more humid environments reported a slower rate of infection transmission early in the outbreak.

Spanish Flu paused in the summer. SARS disappeared. Cold and Flu are seasonal.

Right now all the major places that have blown up were cold when it spread.

Am I sure of this? No. But I’d be willing to bet on it given even odds.

Unemployment looks to have hit 25% in Ireland. Was less than 5% a month ago.

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This exchange is going to go on until the end of time isn’t it?

NYC is not Italy right now. 60 year-olds who need a ventilator aren’t being turned away. It could get that way. But it’s not right now. Most of the major authorities involved seem to be signaling they’re going to scrape by with enough ventilators.

Someone posted a graphic up thread that suggested that only 25% of the deaths above the average death count for March were counted as coronavirus deaths in Italy. As in, it’s likely close to four times as many people in Italy died of this than the official numbers suggest.

I’d imagine something similar is happening here, most likely on a larger scale because we’re testing less. So New York could be close to the peak like the numbers suggest, it’s just that way more people have died and will die than the numbers will ever tell us.

This could also explain why it seems to be hitting younger people harder here, that a ton of the deaths of old people aren’t being counted because they’re old and old people tend to, you know, die.

Yea but then look at Florida. It’s summer here and we keep going up in cases. It was something like 92 in Orlando 2 weeks ago.

I just don’t think temperature plays as big a factor as we want it to.

Florida by all rights should be absolutely blown up by now. I’m shocked their cases are as low as they are. It doesn’t dissuade me believing that it doesn’t spread as much in warmer air.

The IHME model (which has been pretty accurate about deaths so far, if overestimating bed needs) has them peaking at 241 deaths/day in 2 weeks:

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Could also be that when you perform 125k tests vs 6k you will have more reported cases.

The type of tests performed matters also. Some states are testing randoms (like Alaska I believe) while others are only testing people very likely to have it.

Alaska could have 200 actual cases or 50k and we wouldn’t know it.

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About 20 mins drive from my house.


People were being told not to even bother going to the hospital in Italy. That hasn’t happened here yet. Yes some people are dying at home and of course the whole thing is massively undercounted.

But if anything like Italy was happening in NYC right now, where ventilators were being rationed and people were literally dying for lack of one - we’d be hearing about it - loud and often.

Yea who knows lol. It’s a fucked up virus. But man looking at that graph, shit’s gonna get real soon here. I’m not surprised.


People are more pissed at Johnson for blatantly lying about the impact of Brexit with this:

Lying is what politicians do but printing it on a fucking bus is another level of awful. He then proceeded to push the country off the Brexit cliff where the middle and lower class suffer while the politicians and the elite shield themselves from the worst.

Raab won’t be that much different imo. He’s a smoother operator and less of an idiot but he’s still an advocate for Brexit and likely won’t save the country and the people from themselves.

Sounds like a call center without a proper disaster recovery plan or do you guys have multiple physical sites?

Multiple sites.

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This is the kind of sign I would make if I wrote for an SNL skit.

Looks like there’s a political battle heating up in the Czech Republic.

The Prime Minister wants to extend the state of emergency that is set to end this Saturday. It seemed that the government was going to capitalize on the low infection rate and overall lower number of infections by loosening a lot of restrictions on businesses as early as Thursday. Since the infection numbers yesterday were more consistent with previous days (though still better than them), he’s making a U-turn on that.

Opposing parties want to know why they should extend the state of emergency if things are getting better. They also want a specific plan on what will be done during the state of emergency to justify extending it. So far, all the PM has said is that it is projected that 15,000 people will be infected by the end of the month if the state of emergency is not expanded.

It’s pretty obvious that ANO, by far the largest political party in the Czech Republic, is under a lot of pressure to open the country again. They want to do it in order to retain their popularity but also seem to know that this fight against covid-19 isn’t close to over yet. It appears that they want to both fight the virus and appease politicians who want to loosen restrictions. It ends up leaving everybody unhappy.

My suspicion is that they aren’t being clear about their future plans related to the virus because the crisis team fighting it can’t agree on what those plans should be. Thus, they don’t have any clear strategy and are sort of winging it.

It’s unfortunate that not everybody’s on the same page not just within the Chamber of Deputies but within the Crisis Control Team as well. The once effective team is starting to show some cracks in their armor.


I’m sure all those multinationals will do the right thing by us after we acted as a tax shelter for so long. It wouldn’t be right to just leave us to our fate.


how about
