COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Well that seems different than getting dead. (Not that it’s excusable)

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Yeah 1.3t totally different. That would be VERY stupid.

Here’s an interesting study from Yale which was published in some Virology Review. Some things I didn’t realize like the relative humidity in AC air is also not in the viruses sweet spot (but heated air in the winter is). Also humidity might hurt with the larger droplets (by allowing them to evaporate slower) which you get from touching.

Cases there have been shooting through the roof. They pulled a Trump early on by not testing and ignoring it. Now it’s everywhere and their dictator is recommending vodka and football.

Here’s an interesting side effect of covid restrictions:


Yeah just actually looked it up instead of taking other people’s (grossly uninformed) numbers at face value… and it’s less than 1.3T. It’s really really really stupid to even talk about cancelling it.

How brown is heart disease though?

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That has to be a Soros plant. Way too on the nose.

Yup. And this is exactly why Trump is more dangerous than McConnell, Cruz, Cheney, Bush, or any of the rest of them that are way to his right politically and way more competent at executing policy.

Trump, unlike any other political personality in US History, has built a cult of personality that has reached critical mass to make him beyond reproach even when he’s literally killing people because freedom.

Nobody motivates evil like him. And he can’t be touched.

Cops are going to vote for Biden IN DROVES this cycle.

Klansky thinks people are just now figuring out that the death rate is very low for young and healthy people. (I guess this might better belong in the dedicated shit on 2+2 thread, but whatever.)

No known cases on the Corn Islands yet! The fact that everything is outdoors or open air, w/ no AC seems like a good thing.

Of course there’s only like 3 official cases in Nicaragua total, or something lol like that.


Not sure if you are disagreeing with me, but yeah, the idea of coming together is obviously a tougher sell when inequality is rampant. I understand what the image is trying to say and wholeheartedly agree. But the answer isn’t to give up. Appealing to community and altruism is still the right thing to do. Otherwise we’re all just sailboats trying desperately to “get mine”, the exact worldview we’re fighting against in the first place.

I’m really struggling today. I was catching up with a friend on the phone and he asked what we should have done. To not rehash this whole thread I told him many of things discussed here. Primarily a hard nationwide lockdown Mar 10-Apr 30 to strangle the damn thing in the crib. Of course we would need a “Uniter not a divider”. Literally any President from FDR to Obama could have done at least a passable job at this. May 1 we have testing resources lined up.

This has got me super bummed because doing the right thing would have been so damn easy.


I’m not sure it would have been easy. I think only a handful of countries have really snuffed it out. Most other places need to keep lockdowns in place or it’s going to just start ramping right back up again.

Anyway, here in NH this weekend was like a holiday weekend: motorcycles everywhere, backyard BBQs and parties all over, ice cream stands with long lines, etc. Guess we’re going herd immunity here too.

What’s up with these CDC numbers?

Boris Johnson said in an interview that doctors were not hopeful he would survive his bout with coronavirus and anticipated having to announce the British prime minister’s death, The Sun reported.

Who wants to break it to Boris that nobody else was hopeful either?


I’m right there with you today. Seeing the crowds everywhere this weekend in OKC really shook me to my core.

The US doesn’t have the labor force needed to replace Chinese production. Even if those factories get build in the US they would need immigrats to work the jobs. Fat chance of that happening. All the tarifs have done so far is move production to Vietnamese and Indonesian factories owned by Chinese companies.

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They could cripple so many industries, at least in the short and middle term.