COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah, we were also very clearly past the peak new infections when we did those baby steps, plus there’s still significant spare ICU capacity (300 ICU beds taken up by corona, 1300 still available). Opening up in the US right now is a completely different story.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot too, and I just don’t think casinos are going electronic. There’s a reason they haven’t yet, and I think it’ll persist. Maybe if this thing mutates worse and/or we can’t vaccinate, but then society as we know it overall grinds to a halt basically.

They have, I bought one and recommended it to people here and IRL and was mocked by some and listened to by others. Now that I know it can be an issue even if you’re asymptomatic, I’ll start checking it regularly again… I do have a mild fever right now, which is quite odd given that I’ve been isolated.

It’s probably just a case of us observing/measuring ourselves far more studiously than we normally would, but who knows?


My last bout of asthma was 35+ years ago, but 3 weeks ago I started getting symptoms again and went to get an inhaler from the doctor (which I noticed is much smaller than they used to be, lollowinflation).
Coincidence or corona?

Austria is very well-prepared for covid19. Possibly better than any EU country that isn’t Germany. Definitely better than the Czech Republic.

Being ranked 2nd hospital beds per 1000 in the EU is pretty helpful. Czech Republic 4th in EU as of 2017.

Austria is 3rd in ICU beds per 100,000 in the EU. Sadly, CR just in 9th in the EU :frowning:

We have 32.98 ventilators per 100,000 people. Austria sits at 28.57 per 100.000.

CR’s got 390 people hospitalized with covid19. Can’t find out how many are on ventilators.

Regardless, both of our countries are pretty well-prepared for this.

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Well I’d completely stopped monitoring a couple weeks ago, and only checked cause my head felt warm, so I don’t think it was just due to monitoring more closely. I think I would have checked in Before Coronavirus times, but who can even remember?

Maybe we both got one of the 30 or so mutations of varying strength? Dodged a huge bullet if it gives us immunity from the more lethal varieties (though if the common cold is anything to go by I doubt it will).

As for how America ranks:

Every EU member state has more hospital beds more 1000 people except for Sweden and Denmark. However, U.S. has more ICU beds per 100,000 than every country in the EU aside from Germany. The U.S. is a bit short on ventilators but not as short as the UK or Italy. Haven’t been able to find number on every country.

The common cold is caused by a zillion different viruses, mostly rhinoviruses. I’m not sure if there’s cross-immunity between the coronaviruses. You wouldn’t notice if there was.

God damn it. My mom drove up to VA this weekend from FL to visit her parents who are both in their 90s.

Doubtful, given my level of isolation, but who knows?

Great, so this is sort of like that thing where the Cold War ending just meant everything got more complicated and probably more dangerous? Excellent, excellent.

Off topic, but looking at the hospital bed data it’s super weird how the US historically had 64% occupancy on 2.7 beds / 1000 population and e.g. Germany has 80% at 8.0 beds per 1000. US residents spent like 1/3rd of the time in hospital beds compared to central EU, pre Corona. Didn’t know that.

Lots of people scared of the cost of healthcare in USA#1.


And lots of insurance companies pushing to kick people out of hospitals ASAP.


They’re going to need a large enough group of people that makes it very likely that at least one person will die, even with those numbers.

Yea, this is exactly my expectation too. I don’t care what all the science says, until proven wrong I’m assuming that:
a) Republicans will make bad decisions
b) Things will work out for them anyways

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Over in BFI they are already suggesting the prisoner population should be just thrilled to help out in exchange for a reduced sentence.