COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I had to really think if I wanted to take my antibody test - just on the small risk I somehow catch it at the place. I think you’d get a lot of people saying no.

Wait a week or two until the $1200 runs out. Like Dan said this test will mean almost nothing. Just like Stanford.

I have a similar mask I use and as I’m sure you can attest, you can’t smell anything at all when wearing one properly. That is definitely not the case with any disposable mask I’ve ever used. So try that as a way to test.the filters. Open a can of lacquer or something and see how they do.

I’m pretty sure there’s no way to refurbish a filter.

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The initial results from the first large-scale study tracking the spread of the coronavirus in the county found that 2.8% to 5.6% of adults have antibodies to the virus in their blood, an indication of past exposure.

It’s generalized. Essentially the CDC has just told everybody has to just go for it. The Denver and California tests are NOT validated. Apparently there are some validated but I don’t know if it’s cost or availability but the ones getting all the press so far HORSE CRAP are as far as reliable data (note they could be great but if you can’t prove they are great they SUCK). Sorry that’s how science works, or should work. The planned MLB test is the same as California.

No clue on NY. If I see something I will report back.

Please please please stop using these numbers and speculating about what it means.

Please search for my “yabut” post.

Someone please call 911 if I stroke out.


Another anecdotal study that indicates that asymptomatic carriers may be very high amongst the young and healthy:

Its so weird how all the red states are crushing this!

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Oh, you think social distancing is your ally. But you merely adopted the mask; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t breathe fresh air until I was already a man.



The main reason those filters become worthless is they clog. If you can breathe normally and not leaking air around the edge, you’re fine. The other problem might be exposure to something like UV or caustic chemicals that degrade the filter.

You should know that that kind of mask does not protect other people if you happen to be sick.

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Today’s April 20, 2020 chart, which will include an enhanced visual dashboard, will be posted as soon as it becomes available.


Take the lighter test… :sweat_smile:


I always said that when my kids watched and played Pokémon that there subliminal messages and that eventually they rise up and kill the olds. This data indicates they really just are vectors to deliver the virus as part of an overall plot to take over world NARF!

Please don’t confuse my antibody rant to think that I don’t think that there is an undercount by multiples. The quality of the data does not support any specific number and certainly does not justify 50-80x.

In other news


Isnt this N100? :rofl:



So the south is ready to kill its citizens?

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When have they not been?


You know the derposphere will see this and yell, “I AIN’T GONNA LOOK LAK NO TERRORIST!”



Um civil war? Jim Crow?

This grinds my gears

Hey, everyone. As a Georgia resident, if I end up dying from Kemp’s “re-opening of the state” this week, please know the following:

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