COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Quick update on my dad…

Hes doing Good and there’s been no real complications except the expected High Blood Pressure after an operation so he’s on a AP? Machine to monitor and stabilisation of his blood pressure.

Hes being warned by the nurses for phone calls so not much chance to speak with him, he’s look good for what’s happened and need lots of rest over the next few weeks.

Mums doing better than expected, she’s keeping buzy with the garden and did not go out until today to replace my dad’s things and take supplies to him today for the rest of the week. She left them at reception.

I wanted to take them but she refused, I didn’t argue as she’s been really good the last few days, fortunately the receptionist is near the front doors and it’s a wide entrance etc, masks were worn.

I would like to take the time to Thank you all from the bottom of my heart from my mother and brother for the personal messages sent were greatly appreciated.

Dad thanks all the meme producers and has been winding up the nurses with some good clean humor as he does.



Best of luck to him and hope he gets out soon.

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Glad he is doing better.

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I mean, this clearly isn’t right.

If only showing concern for yourself and your family is deplorable, then it clearly is right.

I must have missed a bunch of the worst jman posts because I don’t get the hatred.

But the constant end of civilization stuff was over the top and ever taking zerohedge seriously is a huge huge leak.

I don’t believe this is my, or anyone else’s definition of deplorable.


Also, @JohnnyTruant. Your Jaws analogy becomes more and more apt every day.

I posted an article about a small infectious disease hospital in San Antonio that has been using elite face gear for 25 years. The interesting thing to me is it sounded like normally the mostly deal with TB cases.

Air movement good? Well maybe not when you’re downwind of a constant source for an hour or more.

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Dang. I will not object if someone wants to move out of the path of the AC in a restaurant.

Does seem legit and does agree with trolly, your family should join the back to work protests.

Seriously though, imagine if we could do any reasonable semblance of testing for people who have it and then follow it up with antibody testing to see who had it.

All these people want to rush back to work but refuse to demand the things that would facilitate it. It is like most Americans are dumb.

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Piss off with this gimmick accusation. I invite any mod or admin to check and confirm by IP address that there is no connection. Additionally, I have been very critical of jman in the past, particularly on 2+2 around the time when he was telling us all to “give the system a chance to work” and all that.

If you put him in the deplorable bucket, then there are not very many people in the US that you’re going to be able to find any common ground with.


You must be another gimmick account, herp derp.

It’s the first time it’s happened to me, so I’m still getting used to it. I have a feeling I’ll manage to get over it.

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Don’t worry Haiti you are a stones throw away from the King of Ventilators, tell your white people not to worry.

Outdoor restaurants only for me for a while. And I better be damn sure the person sitting across from me is clean.

I can confirm that Jbro is the same Jbro since STTF days.

15 years holy shit. (Well for me anyway, Jan 2005. I think you were around the same time give or take a year or so in either direction.)