COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I’m officially raging, the muppets are out in force today at my place… :angry:

Horrible to say but I hope this happens quickly enough to be a lesson for the rest of the world. (obviously first hope is that it somehow doesn’t happen).

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It was previously done on county by county basis. I live in D/FW and both Tarant and Dallas counties had most of the standard restrictions. Restaurants take out only, non essential businesses closed. A week ago Dallas county started requiring masks for everyone.

Outside of the big cities though, I think it has been much less locked down.

same here, sigh

50M Americans are 65+

At the 1.8% Diamond Princess death rate that is 900,000 Americans 65+ alone. And it kills younger people as well (albeit at lower rate)

Welp…Just found out someone who works at the nursing home where my grandma resides tested positive for covid. :frowning: :frowning:


US virus deaths could be much higher

More than 65,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been reported in the US, but some experts fear the real figure could be much higher.

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that total deaths in seven hard-hit states were almost 50% higher than normal during the period 8 March to 11 April.

Researchers fear as many as 9,000 additional deaths in the country could be attributed to the virus.

The US has by far the highest number of coronavirus cases…

Yes. This is exactly what the math says. Even if our exponent isn’t near as big (1 week doubling time vs 3.5 days in mid March), just two weeks is going to fuck over a state harrrrrrrrd.

Using national numbers

10,000 cases x 2^4 = 160,000 or +150K

500,000 cases x 2^2 = 1.6M or + 1.55M

At 3% CFR 45,000 vs 4,500 more dead.

That’s 9000 deaths in only 7 states and only up to April 11. Still thinking we likely have 100k dead already.

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It burns through there so hard. I would assume no chance to get her out of there.

I hope they initiate isolation protocols. My sister-in-laws memory care place has gone to head to toe suits to enter patient rooms.

“Give me liberty or give me COVID-19”


Oof I’m really sorry to hear that :pensive:.


That could well happen, but at least we can take solace in the fact that the Democrat won in the important Wisconsin race in which the Court fucked up. Perhaps that’s what will happen in other states if they get screwed over in Nov.

Not me, but my best friend from law school grew up in that area and knows the guy.

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I feel like Alex Jones would eat his neighbors even without a lockdown.


Shouldn’t that be “give me liberty AND give me Covid-19”?

Or if we keep the lockdowns in place does she want us to go to her house and inject her with the virus?


But what if they were just renters?

You’re assuming a 100% infection rate.

The Diamond Princess isn’t the best example for the WAAGTD mob to use. Despite being in an enclosed environment where it was feared the virus would run amok, and despite widespread criticism of quarantine procedures and an absence of HEPA filters on ships, only 19% of everyone on board contracted the virus.

For your numbers to be right you’ll need multiple waves of infections and no herd immunity, which may or may not happen - my point, as ever, is that we simply don’t know yet so it’s too early to pull the millions dead emergency cord even if it does gain a lot of attention and traction here.

I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she’s able to avoid it.