COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Ouch. Must have updated later than usual.

Another Darwin Award winnar


My experience with unemployment in NJ has not been great so far. I applied on 3/18 and got approved for a small amount relatively quickly, around 3/26. A week after that I got the approval letter in the mail stating the first date I could claim my weekly benefit was 4/5. That eventually got moved to 4/6 as the broke the time slots into two days.

Went I went to submit yesterday I was told my claim was not payable, and if i didn’t know why to call the nearest reemployment center. I spent over 4.5 hours on hold with them yesterday after having several calls just disconnect after the greeting message. Dialed in the second they opened today, and in total I called over 40 times today and never spoke to anyone. It will either not connect, connect then hang up after the intro message, or go silent after the intro message indefinitely.

I have no idea if the issue is something on my end or on my employers end, but I’d like to get the money I’m entitled to. It’s frustrating, but I really feel bad for the people with no safety net who have to wade through this system, especially now with it completely overwhelmed.


I’m going to go back home to die if I see this guy as my Doc

Most articles from experts say you don’t need to take so much precautions with articles you buy in a store. The main reason people do it is because of news that the virus can survive days on certain surfaces but that is surviving in an otherwise lab environment. Surviving and being infectuous are also not the same thing. The virus can still be detected but that doesn’t mean it can still infect you. Most articles I read on this are in Dutch but here is one based on advice from the WHO.

Of course it doesn’t hurt so if it makes you feel safer then continue doing it.



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My favorite part of the article. Well, 2nd favorite part after reading this guy is dead:

“Landon Spradlin, of Gretna — a small town halfway between Lynchburg and Danville”

Well that clears up the location of Gretna! (I have no clue what any of those cities are)

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All the low risk people ITT using Instacart should know they pay contractors $7 an order on the majority of orders, regardless of size and distance. The default tip is also 5%.

Really shouldn’t be using this service unless you absolutely have to. If you do use it, tip the fuck out of these people.


Man, I didn’t even notice that. I would fully believe that name was from a Felix riff.


Yep, my sister lives here! She’s good people though. My neo-Nazi stepdad lives 20 minutes away. The head of the IL Nazi Party lived in Wood River at one time at least.

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I’ll meet you at fast eddies

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40% undercount in NYC Corona deaths right now

I usually tip $15-$20.

What is frustrating about the undercounting is they know they are doing it, they know they could and should be counting them and just like in other countries know they will ultimately add them in.

Just from a management standpoint knowing how many people are dying at home is massively important. If medical resources are not capped than people are certainly dying unnecessarily which means messaging must change.

CovIdiot Mike Gundy

Let’s say 120 D1 teams at 100 young people a team. That’s 12,000. (Throw in some team managers)

50% get the virus. That’s 6,000

0.2% is 12. Probably 10 times that many hospitalized.

12 human sacrifices to college football

We haven’t talked about kids with comorbidities, let alone fat and old coaching staffs, referees, etc.


Scary article. Twice as many 911 calls every day now as compared to before CV-19. More deaths at home than reported CV-19 deaths each day now. City morgues and reefer trucks are nearing capacity. Doesn’t sound like improvement to me.

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We will be lucky if it’s only 40%. 14k instead of 10k.

I’d think that we are only counting 40% could be optimistic. 25k instead of 10k.

Well they are paying…

Oh wait never mind. They are literally slaves he wants to expose to death to drive the machine that keeps his Oklahoma McMansion appointed in the style he has become accustomed to.

He is a man, he is 40.

