Coronavirus (COVID-19)

An investigation at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry, Northern Ireland, is under way tonight over a suspected case of coronavirus involving a mother and baby. It is understood that the mother and child recently returned to the city from Hong Kong and reported to Derry’s main hospital A&E department earlier today. Northern Ireland’s Public Health Agency said they “are not commenting on individual cases at the moment”. A spokesperson for the PHA said no cases had yet been diagnosed in Northern Ireland.


I think their are some weird right wing heuristics going on.

Scientists tell us that global warming is gonna kill us all, But they are a bunch of left wing soy boy losers worrying over nothing.

Scientists tell us this pandemic is a big deal… therefore they must be wrong here too.


Yup. This. This times a million.

Prediction. We gonna start seeing cases in the developed world from people who have only travelled in Africa or south America .

41 more cases on the cruise ship quarantined near Japan.

Confidence Fairy stuff seems more likely. If it’s an investment forum, they presumably like notions that tend to stabilise or boost the market and dislike notions that do the opposite.

Must say my shook levels have increased considerably these last 24 hours.

Fair enough. I’m just seeing the same sentiment from the right wing in other areas tho.

Coronovirus shookness level shouldnt be something that mirrors party affiliation, but it seems to be.

Oh I’m sure there’s a bunch of factors, not denying there’s an ideological divide or whatever. Just that I think most forums would only be mocking the minority presence - deleting and banning etc is stronger and suggests more’s going on than mere disagreement.

Still think you will be fine if you live in Australia, Europe or North America. Cancelled my trip to the Vietnam F1 race as SE Asia and Africa could get hit really hard. China is of course already a disaster. Not sure about South America. No idea how many Chinese travelled there before this got public. Economically it will also hit hard all over the world. We will find out how much we depend on Chinese goods.

No idea how this isn’t fucking up the economy. With how connected all the economies are to China I’d expect massive falls.

I read an article yesterday how shipping has been hurt and goods are been stranded. Eventually this is going to start impacting what you see on the shelves I would think.

I work for a large consumer appliance company and we manufacture throughout eastern China.

Our schedules have already pushed by 2 weeks, and I expect they’ll drag an additional 2 weeks if not more. Many, many factories are shut down and lots of companies are going to lose money waiting for the factories to come back online.

We’re at risk of missing critical set dates with big box retailers, which could cost us millions of dollars.

Huge LOL @ companies like mine being absolutely beholden to China. Just one dimensional thinking at the highest levels.


I don’t understand this. Your post makes it sound like you are extremely dependent on China until the last sentence.

They are beholden. Which is why is LOLing at them. Because of their 1 d thinking.

Ah, I get it. I thought he was loling at someone else other than his company.

So I guess we have a monoculture problem when it comes to our global supply chain.

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And yes, lol’ing at company - we are tethered to China.

Yeah… I’m suddenly pretty glad my customers don’t get much in the way of parts from China. Europe and domestic thankfully. Supply chains are going to get weird this year for sure though.

As millions of Brazilians prepare to take to the streets for their country’s annual carnival, Brazil’s health minister has said his country currently has no specific plans for a coronavirus awareness campaign.

But Luiz Henrique Mandetta has called on Brazilian revellers to exercise “respiratory etiquette” when the festivities kick off later this month. “What we are suggesting is respiratory etiquette,” he told reporters, according to the Valor Econômico newspaper, Brazil’s answer to the FT. “Wash your hands several times a day; if you sneeze, put your elbow out in front.”

So far there have been no confirmed coronavirus cases in Brazil, but health authorities are preparing themselves for its arrival.

Well fuck. There’s basically no chance that there are no cases in Brazil.

I don’t know if it’s this, but conservative minded people seem to have much more of a problem with bad stuff that affects the whole planet that local bad stuff. Like on the environment they can believe a river is polluted, but God won’t allow humans to change the whole Earth in regards to anything - climate or ozone or w/e. I don’t know if that could apply to pandemics or not. Not AIDS I guess, but that’s either limited to a certain population or it’s God’s punishment or something.