Coronavirus (COVID-19)



I think we flatten the curve, stay below the capacity threshold and then resume "normalcy. " We live as normal a life as possible while making sure that the people who catch it and get severe cases can get quality treatment.

That hopefully keeps the mortality rate to 1% or lower, while keeping the economy moving enough to avoid wreaking havoc on lives and wellness that way. This probably looks like no crowds of 250+, and urging people to practice social distancing.

I hate to break it to you, but your friend’s brother must be lying to you. The president said just yesterday that anyone who wants a test can get one!

It’s mostly due to poor people not being able to afford to stock up. I’ve seen the same pattern here, and like word is going around the middle and upper class to go look in a poor neighborhood if you can’t find what you need. We’re a disgrace.

Yeah, I mean, that analogy works too. I think we have a much better chance of flattening the curve in Philly than they do in NYC and Seattle, though.

To be clear, you quoted me but that was someone else saying that. I think they were nested and you get the wrong one.

Mine hasn’t gotten severe, which is unusual for me, usually I’m pretty sensitive to getting a cough… But I also went 95% vegetarian maybe a month ago, and I’ve been 100% vegetarian for about three weeks - maybe my immune system is already stronger.

Alcoholics without alcohol frequently end up in the hospital and sometimes die.


Yeah good point. Heavy testing is a requirement to know when we can pull out of this.

I’ve been in some long lines in this terminal but this picture is just blowing my mind right now

I’m going to need to do something similar soon.

It never got severe in the sense that I felt like total crap or was super congested. But I would cough myself to sleep every night and have some coughing fits during the day.

Where are they all going? I guess it’s all students?

Smokers w/o tobacco would probably kill their family members that they’re cooped up with.

Why is the airport so crowded?

They’re all coming back into the US from Europe I believe. And they all have to be screened. But of course they’re all just jammed together spreading the virus if anyone there is carrying it.

Alcoholics going through withdrawal regularly end up on ventilators, and it takes forever to get them off. Smokers going through withdrawal put on a patch and tough it out.

This is what I meant. I feel sorry for the older people in that crowd and wonder if they are dead people walking

I’m not gonna lie. It’s an almost invincible feeling to be young right now. Those college kids don’t have a care in the world and those older people should be scared to death

Every college is closing. Kids are flying home (to kill their grandparents apparently).

We very likely would have been better off to quarantine them on campus where they could only infect one another.

Then after 3 weeks let them out in the wild (hopefully with immunity) and the reward them with free college or loan forgiveness for taking care of the rest of us.


613 cases in New York State now with 269 cases in NYC

Gotta day I’m pretty happy with how the state is handling this. They seem to have ramped up testing as fast as anywhere else in U.S. Plan to ramp up to 6,000 tests per day in the state. Hopefully they will follow example of South Korea.

Also school closings for spring break I imagine

Yeah mine was worse at night, and maybe once a day I’d cough 4-5 times in a row, but that was about it.

But, I’ve been taking extreme measures to try to nip it in the bud - tons of fluids, eating healthy with a variety of veggies and lots of jalapenos, nasal irrigation 1-2 times a day, zinc lozenges, etc…

What I haven’t seen posted is statistics for hospital vacancy rates. This seems the most relevant piece of information.

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I was going to ask… Can states take matters into their own hands? Like I don’t think they can prevent people from entering, but can they require testing or do any other preventive measures?

My drunk uncle has been in and out of ICU and memory care so many times in the last 5-10 years. He’s always falling and hitting his head. But somehow after like a month of not knowing who he is - he comes back to being just fuzzy but still mostly there.

It’s unimaginable how much he’s costing the system. My drunk grandpa and other drunk uncle just had a massive stroke in their early 60s - saved the system a ton of money.