Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We should be adding America to the list of countries with inadequate medical care to help contain this.


This isn’t a once every year or two scare. This is way worse than the Ebola scare. Ebola’s extremely high fatality rate is actually helpful, it kills too fast and tends to burn out. This thing’s mortality rate is much more dangerous and can lead to far greater raw numbers of deaths.

In my case, CNY wasn’t that bad for me in Wuhan. I was invited into festivities with a local family as the token foreigner (I taught their daughter English privately for a year up to that point). I think they just wanted to stare at me and be amused by my whiteness. Of course, if I was alone or just with foreigners then it would suck a lot no matter where I was.

That said, it’d suck a lot less in Beijing or Shanghai.

It’s pretty amazing how quickly Wuhan has developed since I left there in 2012. The street outside where I lived was muddy and filled with trash. The street was lined with a bunch of people selling knockoff clothes and street food. Based on pictures, it looks as though it’s part of the city and not some rural area the government claimed as Wuhan just to bump up its population. The metro even reaches out there now.

Also ridiculous to me that we continue to have a travel ban against Muslim countries because they might have terrorists when this thing could kill more in America then 10,000 Osama bin Laden’s. I’m not saying we’re at travel ban from China territory yet, but it would make a lot more sense than a travel ban from Libya.

From the other forum I post on (Disboards): Shanghai Disneyland shut down indefinitely 2 days ago. Hong Kong Disneyland shut down indefinitely today. There are rumors amongst Disney cast members that they are going to shut down face character meet and greet at parks worldwide.

Not a thread to open when your baked.


"Fairfax County Public Schools has confirmed with FOX 5 that the students will no longer take part in classes at the school, which were supposed to begin Wednesday, and they will not stay with host families in the area “out of an abundance of caution.”
Instead, the students will stay at hotels until Feb. 3, and visit tourist and cultural sites.


I hope you’re right, but this one feels different.

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So looks like we got

[x] Antichrist
[x] Plague
[ ] Jesus?

fingers crossed


Anyone seen specific description of the symptoms? Anything other than any other flu?

If you die, it’s probably the scary Asian flu. Otherwise, it’s probably. the regular flu.

Respiratory difficulties, but once it gets to that stage, after the first symptoms of fever, it’s very hard to treat.


Yeah that’s not great.

Confirmed case in Orange County :open_mouth:

CNN now also reporting that the virus is transmissible before people are symptomatic. This is coming from the Chinese. This is really really really bad.

Imperial College London raises estimate of R0 to 2.6, with an uncertainty range of 1.5-3.6, so that’s anywhere from slightly more infectious than the seasonal flu, to three times as infectious as the seasonal flu.

Source: January 26, 2020 coronavirus news

Yeah this is bad, I don’t remember previous viruses spreading to other regions so quickly if at all. I also don’t think that health systems are moving quickly enough on it; during the Ebola scare, which was idiotically overblown because of how difficult it would be to take hold outside of an epicenter, hospitals were making massive preparations for it. I work in a hospital and haven’t heard a thing about this yet.

People are definitely surviving it but even a 3% mortality rate is quite high and it’s possibly worse than that (also possibly not as bad since there can be infections that aren’t reported).

CA or FL?

The reason I asked about symptoms is my daughter is sick (in SF). She seems to have gotten better, but not fully yet. Her BF though has had very high fever, lost like 20lbs, and (something else that will help this spread) has no health insurance.