Coronavirus (COVID-19)

So what are the odds Trump comes out sweating, wiping his forehead, Iran style? Has to be >5% right?

Wealthy white people looting.

If your gf is middle class+ and has a stable income not expected to be disrupted by the virus then be glad you asked. Cheap way to learn she is not wife material, imo.


This could be another reason states and cities are taking more dramatic action. They could see that data coming in and realize it’s very likely COVID-19. Keep in mind the slope of COVID-19 isn’t crazy at the start… It starts off looking relatively linear.

Given the incubation period, the effects of a quarantine/lockdown should take approximately 10-14 days to show up in terms of the cases showing up at hospitals. They locked down 3/9, so we’ve got a ways to go.

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Rail seems to be happening in the Trump thread. Head on over!


Dallas and Tarrant Counties declared state of emergencies today. Never knew it was a Judge who made that decision but I guess it makes sense.

This is harsh, but not unreasonable.

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Ivanka met with Australian Official who later tested positive.

Come On!


Your pony needs to come on!


…so you totally fucked up by buying useless multi vitamins instead of nutritious tinned fish and vegetables.

To be clear, just settling on “no I don’t want to do it because reasons” is not great but whatever. It’s the making you regret you asked that is yikes.

39 confirmed cases in Texas off 220 tests. Yes 220 people have been tested out of 26 million.

Friend of mine from back in law school got back from Italy/Spain, was ordered, apparently, by a court to get tested, doctors refused to test her, told her they weren’t available and she just has to stay home.

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In Texas, at the county level, there’s a position called a judge of something something that I can’t remember but it’s really an executive position.

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Anyone know how the general derposphere or even chiefsplanet resolves this

  1. Trump says coronavirus is hoax
  2. Trump says coronavirus is national emergency

Obviously, it’s impossible, but seeing the attempt is somewhat amusing. Sad, but amusing nonetheless.

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I’m going vegetarian lately, I’ve been enjoying the effects. I stockpiled perishables that still included plenty of veggies. I have frozen veggies, mostly lentil/zucchini pasta, also some cauliflower, broccoli and fajita peppers/onions. I have a bunch of beans/rice packets to microwave and packets of vegetarian Indian food to microwave, and lots of chickpea pasta. Also hummus and whole wheat pita, and lots of canned fruit without any added sugar.

I suppose canned veggies would have been a wise move. Unfortunately most of the veggies I like or am willing to eat don’t really come canned.

The girl I’m seeing is making a grocery run for me tomorrow (she’s got no underlying health issues), so I’ll get another 5-7 days of perishables. Maybe I’ll see about getting some canned veggies too. Then we’re going to hang out outside on my terrace for a bit if the weather is good, six feet apart in open air.

Ehhh I think it’s a pretty big indicator of the type of person, especially if you point out the reason you asked and they still don’t want to do it. It just says a lot about their character, and I think most people that fit in here won’t fit in with that type of character. But yeah making you regret you asked is pretty bad, too…

Finally Uruguay gets it’s first confirmed cases. Four travellers from Italy, arrived here March 3-6. Was feeling left out.

No way I can compete with Czech Republic-dudes update standards tho


OK, giving this another shot.

We should re-purpose red hats.
From maga hats to pussy hats. Cardinals or Reds. People who are vulnerable to Covid should wear red hats to signal their need for extra space or consideration. Maybe cut to the front of a line. Maybe make sure not to invade their space.
Turn the Red Hat into Compassion Hats!

ps: Trump would HATE it

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They need to pull out. Is that all old white men? How many of them dead in the next month?

Fauci should be kept in glass. RBG should shoot anyone that comes within 50 feet of her.