Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For people needing a smile.


Hope amazon bans them.

Stupid question: What’s a crawler?

No cases yet in my workplace but we have reached the first communication of “a client was in the office who later reported that he had been in contact with someone that tested positive”. So a couple of degrees of separation but I think it’s inevitable that some of my colleagues get infected. Even just my local office is several hundred people.


Mother in law reporting looting at Los Angeles grocery store.

90 min wait to pay for goods, people are just walking out with bags full of things.

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Italy death toll rises by 250 in one day

The number of deaths from coronavirus in Italy has rise by 250 to 1,266 - the largest increase in absolute terms since the outbreak began, according to the country’s Civil Protection Agency.

Officials said the total number of cases had risen from 15,113 to 17,660.

Hope the liquor store isn’t out of boxed wine

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I mean sure. The cognitive dissonance has to be unbearable.

I truly believe Aubrey Huff is the stupidest motherfucker on earth. At least until I read the replies to that tweet, anyway.


So is quarantining the country not doing anything? Or is there a delayed impact, and these are cases/deaths that probably got infected prior to the Northern, and then country-wide, lockdown?

My main gig at the moment shut down, which means I’m laid off. Not a short term problem, but it means my options now are staycation or going to casino.


I am genuinely surprised that’s the consensus, but thrilled to hear it. There will be a lot of stories of assholes doing their best to pay nobody, get paid by everybody, win every one of these transactional situations, etc… But hopefully there will be a lot more stories like this.

No, here’s one was referring to a recommendation for a food you can stock up on that’s better for you than rice/pasta.

Right, but if you’re subsisting on rice and pasta for a month or so…

What an incredible coincidence of incompetence in our government. Surely not the goal all along from the Trump administration!

Who’s the shithole now?


In Atlanta it was the Blizzard of ‘92

Seeing it first hand? I’m not hearing about this. I looked. And my mom has the local news on a lot.

My gf has a woman who comes and no way in hell she was going to pay her to stay home. I regretted even suggesting it

Trader Joe’s at Riverside and Hazeltine in Sherman Oaks.

She also said they closed the store due to fire code, too many people in the building.

ETA: first hand from her.