Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah. But that’s just a short term blip. Delaying a long term shift in trajectory is way worse.

This sounds pretty awful. Previously healthy young individual, 10 days of fever, developed pneumonia on day 5. This is with treatment in a hospital in America:

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No serious symptoms for ages then pneumonia. And 35.

This is really bad news.

If this is typical then a) its gonna spread much faster and further and b) we could all be fucked too

Did we read the same article? He had a weak version of pneumonia and his fever stopped after two weeks,


Right, a healthy 35 year old receiving round-the-clock supportive care at one of the nations top hospitals attended by god knows how many doctor’s, and it still took weeks to resolve, including 10 days of fever and pneumonia. This bodes really poorly for the old, the young, the immune-compromised, and some segment of otherwise healthy people who are also unlucky.


pneumonia is no joke for someone of any age.

Exactly this. Pneumonia is a killer. I had a “mild” version of pneumonia when I was 30. It absolutely floored me and I felt like I was going to die. Basically the upside of this virus is that in a best case scenario it sounds significantly worse than the worst flu you’ve had in your life, with a fever for 10 days! And pneumonia.

Also. If a large proportion of any cities population gets “mild” pneumonia at the same time, many will not be getting adequate medical care.

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Fucking confirmed case in San Jose. And my sons sick. and i want to pull my fucking hair out


Indeed. I had it 3 times when I was young. Could kill me at my age.

Meanwhile, all over the internet, (at least at the apparently dumb ass sites I frequent so I assume the same all over), people are talking about how this is less severe than the common flu.

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Pneumonia almost killed my mom. She was in the hospital for about a week and is now permanently on oxygen and I basically take care of her. She can move around but can’t do much and definitely can’t live on her own. She has CBPD pretty bad.

So I’m pretty terrified of bringing this home and getting her sick. No way she could survive this. But I can’t leave her, she couldn’t do it alone.

This fucking sucks. I’m going to be as careful as possible and santizer myself and everything but if I get it, it seems almost impossible to not give it to her.


Yes. That video series by a pulmonologist I linked to above made this point. The state of the art treatment for this sort of thing is apparently extremely intensive and wouldn’t be feasible for huge numbers of people.

i initially discounted this and moved on but then i thought i’d actually read it and break down why it’s bullshit for the benefit of the folks itt who don’t know what this shit means and to ease your minds.

well, it’s actually a legit paper. university of dehli is a legit school. the sequences were independently confirmed by another research group in china

bad news: it’s possibly true that this flu shares a characteristic with hiv. and that could be the reason this is more transmissible than other flus.

good news: it’s not gonna give you aids. these sequences code for a protein that we know hiv uses to attach and enter new host cells (lol good news) but the really horrible stuff in hiv isn’t in this coronavirus.

how could this happen? some kind of coinfection probably. the virus got lucky and picked up a beneficial mutation somehow. it doesn’t appear to be engineered on purpose by an evil scientist. if you want to make a deadly pandemic virus on purpose there are better (or worse, depending on your perspective) known sequences to choose from.

how does this change things? it doesn’t. it’s still a bad flu. if it’s actually used by the virus to infect new host cells (not yet proven) it might help us develop a vaccine faster because we already know some stuff about this mechanism.

note: in a real peer review, every reviewer would send this back and say, “ok prove this hiv infection mechanism is actually used here”. this paper does not do that.


I have no familiarity with the field of virology, but if it’s anything like the field I do have familiarity with, the “real peer review” process is far from fool proof. It’s amazing sometimes the kind of crap that gets in even high end journals.

how could this happen? some kind of coinfection probably.

Haha, I called it!

The only treatment most people will need for atypical pneumonia is a week’s rest. Y’all are blowing this out of proportion.


in biology/medicine peer review is the most stringent in the world. it’s beyond life and death, it’s the future of the whole world in terms of life and death. a reviewer’s responsibility is to help make original research papers as comprehensive as possible. i’ve spoken to multiple people who have been doing research for decades and none of them have ever had a paper get published without reviewers demanding more experiments be done from different angles. it’s a fact of life. you do everything you can think of, and then a group of top experts on this extremely specific subject tell you what it would take to convince them.

that said, there are “predatory journals” out there that don’t actually do an honest peer review, and will print almost anything you submit for a fee. lots and lots of journals are very honest and are trying to do their best. nature and science are the gold standard and fairly accessible compared to more specific and more technical journals.

at any rate, journals aside, i can tell you these researchers did not prove that the hiv infection mechanism is used in this virus. they didn’t even attempt to prove it.


Providence Medical Center in Everett, WA is one of the nation’s top hospitals? WAAF.

lol there will be consequences for sundry performances itt

the embellishment by jman is hilarious

counselor, you need to shut your fucking pie-hole


The United States on Friday also declared the coronavirus, which has sickened nearly 12,000 people and has spread to the United States and other countries, a public heath emergency.