Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It was touch and go whether they were going to operate on my mom’s ankle because her O2 was dipping as low as the mid-50s at times. Don’t smoke.


We don’t have it as bad as King County, but Santa Clara County has a bunch of confirmed cases. We need more testing.

Pay-walled so I haven’t read it myself. Someone in the twitter thread posted a link that is supposed to work. Some dude with asthma got covid19 and nearly died @anon38180840

Damn that is really bad. I think thats about where my mom was with COPD when she had pnuemonia.

Glad she pulled through and has a good son to help her.

Edit double checked, it was in the 70s. I guess maybe your O2 being much lower during surgery is normal? Cuz my mom was in super bad shape in the 70s, I can’t imagine how bad it would be in the 50s.

Things fall apart; the centre does not hold.

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It was in pre-op. They were considering not doing the surgery because it was so low and the 70s are too low also. She responded to some breathing treatment well enough that they could go ahead. Maybe the pain medication was depressing it and it wasn’t consistently that low, but her lungs are effed up for sure. She doesn’t even want to know at this point.

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Welp, my campus is closed too. Gonna be rough with Wife and I at home plus kid in a 600 sq/ft apartment for weeks (months?).


Decided it wasn’t worth going to the library to get infected, so I don’t even have @Jalfrezi’s poetry recommendation!

Cross Post by @Lostrich

Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive - BBC News

Health minister and Conservative MP Nadine Dorries says she has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

Ms Dorries, the first MP to test positive, said she had taken all the advised precautions after finding out, and had been self-isolating at home.

It comes as a sixth person died from the virus in the UK, which has a total of 382 cases.

The latest person to die was a man in his early 80s who had underlying health conditions.

Meanwhile, GPs are warning that routine appointments at surgeries may have to stop as the number of coronavirus cases rises.

The British Medical Association said routine monitoring of long-term health conditions might have to stop to enable GPs to “focus on the sickest patients”.


Dibs on the dried mango

Also super cool how Bernie and Biden are cancelling events because Mike Pence told them to meanwhile Trumps having events in Wisconsin where thousands will attend

Is this a change for pro Cleveland teams?


Look, I’m not going to argue with you about this point by point, but even if he had shortness of breath, telling him to go directly to the ER is explicitly against the recommendations from every public health agency that I’ve seen.

I understand that you are freaked out, but even though you are well informed, you are just a lay person. You need to be a bit more cautious when giving health related advice to strangers on the internet.

Go ahead and respond with some more justifications but I’m not going to engage anymore.


Counterpoint: Trump is killing a bunch of his supporters whereas Bernie and Biden are not.

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This could work in our favor provided birds of a feather fly together.

To be fair though Tomi is a heroin addict.


that sucks that you can’t just smoke weed and watch camgirls all day. i’m starting to get the sense that a series of multi-week quarantines that can come at any time over the next year and a half would be like a negative thing for a lot of you guys and i’m sorry to hear that but for me i feel like santa claus is coming to town and i don’t know when exactly, but i know he’s definitely coming soon.


Just imagined Rogan baked as fuck imagining invisible viruses.


No need to go to the library in person when you can check out e-books on a kindle.

Cam girls must be making loads of coin because of these lockdowns.