Coronavirus (COVID-19)

My daughter was sick for like a month I think probably January - I’m terrible at remembering when stuff happened. Three times they pushed antibiotics on her before I more or less insisted they try to find out what it is. One time they prescribed antibiotics over the phone. She got tested for the flu and didn’t have it. My theory at the time was mono, but it seemed to have gone away…who knows what it was.

Anyway, I’ll stop backing Trolly and his mom now, I think this is the main thing. Even if you can’t stop transmission in the end, spread it out so that there’s enough hospital space.

If people who have recovered aren’t more or less immune that would be pretty crappy.

If that’s true I I feel like I’m basically screwed already, I’m still taking the super crowded Berlin ringbahn to work, but being super careful about touching things and then my face.

I should not have read this thread you all are freaking me out…

Trump has a few of my fellow workers saying its not as bad as the flu. More die from the flu! Im like yeah but they dont lock down half of countries like Italy did for the flu and why did trump try and block people from coming here? Still cant get through to them its more deadly if you get it…fuck trump.

This all has me a little worried i have copd so not good. But from working as a janitor many times in my life im pretty good at not touching my face and over all dont get sick often. Plus i live in a small, but college town, so if i can fade the kids coming back from spring brake i might make it through our government and healthcare systems incompetence. Knock on an uninfected surface.

Kind of sad the richest nation on earth cant get its act together and do something like SK is.

History students are going to be doing essays on “why did some countries do better than others at addressing the challenges of Covid19 during the first American collapse era”

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Well, Santa Clara County is banning gatherings over 1,000 people.

The husband of one of my coworkers came back from holiday in Italy on the weekend. Yesterday she came to work but waited in the car before one of the bosses made a decision and sent her home. Husband wont get tested because he has no symptomes. So if at some point it turns out he has it we are screwed. She works in a hospital. Since the husband didnt get tested he officially doesnt have it and so does she so she came back to work today.

Czech government knows what’s up.

Props to the CR for being ahead of the curve

Game shows are now filming without studio audiences:

That’s a pretty fair summary.

Try “The Great Influenza” by John M Barry

It’s been shown many times that the war bonds parade in Philly coincided with a massive death rate an order or two of magnitude above cities that practiced social isolation earlier.

One thing history teaches is that eventually people will quarantine themselves when the death rate and fear level get high enough.

Of course, the pony has been out of the barn so long by then that it has died of old age.

I have the direct experience of looking in the microscope and seeing a bacterial infection in my broth. I can’t tell you how many times I hope that it wouldn’t become serious and impact the fermentation. But F, the next time point looked much worse almost always.

From there it becomes a hunt of how did it get in, how can I keep it out, can I detect earlier, is there anything I can do to mitigate the damage?

Of course I can just kill everything a start over. Pretty easy in the lab. But if I have 300,000 gallons of bad broth I can’t process and the waste treatment plant can’t handle that kind of surge, then I’m down a tank for days costing $$$$. Of course in our case, that bottleneck is the ability to treat (Italy vs SK)

A viral infection in a bacterial fermentation can kill 99.9999% in under an hour. When that happens, foam shoots out of the fermenter into the parking lot. (Viruses can have burst rates in the 100 range, so instead of ^2 math it’s ^100).

And for Trolly- this is by far the closest math we’ve seen since 1918. We are lucky that it’s lethality is weighted towards the aged. Let’s hope it stays that way.

The epidemiologists know what we should do. But we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. We learn nothing.

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Calling Italy barely functioning at the best of times requires some citations. They change governments every year but the country itself is doing fine.


There might be a combination of a run on the ATMs and the ATMs not being restocked in their regular schedule.

Right, like I’m a card carrying Italy hater, but I don’t see what any of their various dysfunctions have to do with the spread of COVID-19 there.

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So it’s like 1918 except it’s not at all like 1918.

Yayaya it’s not the same disease, but it’s infection rate and lethality combo are similar to 1918. Well within the same order of magnitude.

Got it. We should only freak out when it’s obviously way too late.

Gonna go Awvall here- how many dead before we all stay home for 2 weeks? What’s your number?

Equal to how large his tax break was

We passed that point a month ago.

No, they’re not, man. This is not at all like 1918.

For Jeopardy! they don’t have a choice. Protect Alex Trebek at all costs.

As a healthy 30yo I’m not very concerned about the disease itself, but I am very concerned about the societal impacts, especially the direct effects this could have on people close to me. My gf and her roommate are both pre-licensed therapists, meaning they’re contractors that get paid for each client they see. If there’s a lockdown (or even if people just stop going out due to caution), they won’t be able to pay rent or buy food without adding credit card debt to their monstrous student loan debts. My gf only has health insurance until August when she will fall off her father’s plan, what happens then? If this comes back next flu season, she’ll be in the same position but now with an extra few hundred dollars a month for ACA coverage that she won’t be able to afford.

Point is, being young and healthy doesn’t mean that everything will be fine.

People can try to point to American exceptionalism, but having a functioning Healthcare system and social support system are not on the list of things America does well, and those are the exact things we need right now.