Coronavirus (COVID-19)

So it’s like Easter Island but with facilities

My dentist has a sign up regarding the virus and parents are receiving letters from schools instructing

  • If your child has been (in the last 14 days) in the Hubei province of China they need to stay home from school and avoid other public settings until 14 days after last being in Hubei, even if they show no signs of illness. Please advise the school if this is the case so that we can provide support and also ensure students are provided with learning work for that period.

If your child has been in other provinces in China or other countries where cases have been reported and they are well, they do not need to be excluded from school unless: 1. They are a confirmed case of coronavirus or 2. They have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 14 days.*


Headline grunching, but I highly doubt that’s intentional or front-loaded confusion. People are just typing in corona and Google auto-complete fills in beer.

wish everything I didn’t read on this looks worse and worse :(

Video is pretty spooky.

Whenever things get too bad I always remember the immortal words of Barnes in Platoon.

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Office Space guy lives afair

This should calm you guys down.

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Italians getting off light with the infrared thermometer. In China that’s a captive bolt gun.

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Not much to say. No one is sick so far. My wife hopes she can leave Wuhan by end of February but who knows.

I don’t want to overstate things, but this came at an awful time for Xi. He absolutely bungled Hong Kong and drove Taiwan away in the process. The Taiwanese were ready to elect the KMT candidate who was running a campaign of increasing ties with China. The pure idiocy of thinking the people of HK/TW would be fine with the extradition bill destroyed that completely and the pro-independence candidate won in a landslide as a result. Taiwan was absolutely not looking to re-unify but the HK situation has set back PRC goals in that regard by decades.

This is on top of the world beginning to wake up to what is happening in Xinjiang and a Chinese populace that is not sure what to make of the first leader for life since Deng Xiaoping.

Trump was the single greatest propaganda gift that the CCP had ever received. An actual example that can be pointed out to the Chinese populace that shows the “Chinese system” is, if not superior, a reasonable competitor for how a large country should be governed. The gross inability to deal with this virus in late December and early January kicks that idea square in the nuts. On top of dealing with an unprecedented public health disaster, every single government official knows that they could end up scapegoated just as easily if their actions prove heroic or demonstrate massive incompetence.


First and most important - glad to hear everything is well for your wife, and thanks for updating us.

Secondly I just wanted to say thanks for the extra info re China/Xi. Interesting and well written imo.


ends up in command of the platoon

After hiding in a foxhole under a dead body for the entire fight.

Thanks a lot Mendoza. Any further insight on the rate of infection/death/specifics of catching it early - vs what you posted before?

At this point the party has its line set in place regarding what is reported. I’m speculating obviously, but I think the window for journalists to get info out that isn’t government approved shut a few days ago.

I’m sure there’s insufficient info to draw any deep conclusions from it, particularly wrt what is happening inside Wuhan, but I’d be looking to what is happening in foreign countries as the only honest data.

I’m feeling cautiously optimistic as we haven’t seen any outbreaks outside of China, but that doesn’t mean it’s good news, merely the absence of further bad news. Still expecting it to be pretty bad in China

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“asked” - pretty clear from the interview that they’re not going anywhere for at least for 72 hours unless they show signs of being sick, in which case they’re going to a dedicated hospital geared for this sort of stuff. I’d strongly bet the subtext was “we’re airlifting your ass out of China, and you’re sitting put for at least the 72 hours”

Which 1) I’d bet 100% jumped at and
2) seems the completely prudent by the CDC people at this time.



No one (AFAIK) knows because the data just isn’t there - but a fair number of people have been stuck in Wuhan a lot longer than 3 days anyway. We’re still sitting on 5 cases for over a week, which seems encouraging.


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