Coronavirus (COVID-19)

CDC gonna blame “state and local officials” for not testing the right people…

This virus is walking around telling everybody, “Wait, he’s gonna get infected, just wait.”

We do online learning days when snow or other things (too cold) cause school to not happen. Everyone is expected to be able to access online learning.

Not sure what happens if libraries and other places of access are all closed tho.

Get ready for tons more like this.

It’s walking around saying “let’s see him wriggle out of this one!”


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Assuming this is real this is scary as hell since pretty much everything we touch is made out of plastic or stainless steel.

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Scientists reluctantly reveal that the secret ingredient in Big Macs holds the key to a vaccine and why fast food binge eaters appear to be immune

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BBC reporting hospilization rate in Italy at a whopping 50% of infected cases.

Yeah but it sounds like they’re basically turning away people who aren’t super sick w/o testing.

Looks like they’ve identified new tax cuts to target the virus and will begin in vivo testing immediately.




Tzar Pence: The President was pleased to learn that commercial labs like Quest Diagnostics and LacCorp have developed tests that will be widely rolled out starting today.

I did not see that coming!

I definitely hope this doesn’t have to happen in Los Angeles, but it would be quite a sight to see.

It’s been getting frustrating to see virtually every health professional on TV throw in the same precautions during their appearances and they all nonchalantly say to liberally use hand sanitizer when you’re out and after you touch “dirty” surfaces. Then the hosts thank them and they go. They NEVER mention where to get it, when there’s going to be more available, what’s going on with ramping up production etc. I’ve been to a half dozen grocery stores in Portland in the last week and every one was completely sold out of hand sanitizer, isopropyl alcohol, and disinfectant wipes, just bare shelves. I feel like I’m missing something huge when all these people are like, “oh yeah, use that hand sanitizer when you can’t wash your hands, helps keep everyone safe.” Huh? Where is this secret huge supply of the stuff where seemingly everyone on TV has an endless supply?

EDIT: Props to NY state for just going ahead and producing their own

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