Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Looks like the GOP telling Romney that he was in danger going to CPAC were spot-on. :relaxed:


Let’s pretend I meant a thousand.

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tomorrow ;) say Wednesday for later supply of info (lack of testing)


Just cough right into the hand.


There was a big sports analytics conference in Boston this past weekend (couple thousand people, including lots of university students) Several scheduled panelists pulled out b/c of covid concerns . Others, including Nate Silver, Daryl Moray, and Mina Kimes decided to YOLO it up and came through.

So, in addition to stocking up on food, water, and soap, I hope you all have alternative sources for 538 type takes as well as sports news if the virus rips through ESPN


Hi. I’m Italian.
We used to think the same in Italy as well, that this was about “panic manipulation”, “just a flu”, “smoke screen”…
So people kept acting cool, hanging out, travel, using slogans like “let’s support our global economy” etc to cover our lack of sense of community.
Now we are all red area, all of us in quarantine, hospitals about to collapse, the amount of contaged people is doubling every 12 hours, and no more machines and doctors in hospitals for all of us.
Doctors are starting to use the doctors ethic law: first save the ones with more chances of survival, second save the youngest.
Screw the others.
We are way beyond containment.
In Italy, but in the rest of the world as well with 72 countries contaged.
Just be prepared to quarantine when it strikes your country as well, and good luck to all of us.
Read the numbers about Italy, on 9172 contaged people 463 are already dead, 724 healed, the others still fighting.
We fucked up because we underestimated the virus, but we hope we can still serve as bad example and other countries can learn from our failure.

From the Pan-Am Traveler’s forum (where some morons are still calling it a hoax).

It’s very fortunate that we as Scots tend to hibernate all February and since the weather is still very bad with high wind and rain the weekend was not to buzy, so it all helps…

Most here think its other country’s problems, including my parents who are most vulnerable, lucky that they are both frantic cleaners of the house. :joy:

Btw… Have you seen the Nacho Novo video from the weekend yet?

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Prediction: Coronavirus still going strong in fall and Trump uses it as a reason to postpone/cancel elections.

Was weighing whether to do an overnight trip to Orlando this weekend, this post convinced me not to. Thank you.

Literally no one I’ve talked to in the past three days is taking this seriously. All of them are downplaying it and saying it’s like the flu. Florida is going to be so fucked unless the heat/humidity actually affects it.

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So there are positives to this whole thing…

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Yeah it’s a real possibility to see him call a state of emergency and run it so long as the virus persists. Use it as an excuse to either suppress the vote or outright cancel elections.

on the plus side, they’ll be first to go


Confirmed. Everything is pretty much normal in Orlando except saw one rando with a mask on in publix Friday. At least I can still buy toilet paper I guess.

Been thinking about life and mortality today. I’d rather die getting crucified upside down than from a virus. In a way it doesn’t matter. But it kinda does.


Holy shit!

Killing your friends and family to own the libs.


5 day average incubation means CPAC attendees who aren’t already coughing are probably in the clear.