Coronavirus (COVID-19)

That’s gotta be killing Trump right now.

Well that gas mask should come in handy.


We can dream. It’s probably not actively killing him yet though so not soon enough.

Iran confirmed 7,161 infections and 237 deaths, however the real figures are feared to be much higher

According to the statistics, ~ safe as US

Edit: Source…as per jman220’s earlier post…

Containment folks…

Israel has so far recorded 42 cases of Covid-19, and no deaths.

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I read this as “Rep. Chris Collins” at first. Then I remembered he’s in prison.


I went to buy disposable gloves today because I’ll be working with caustic materials all week, but there weren’t any available because a bunch of people are completely freaking out and stockpiling shit they don’t need which won’t make them any safer. I’ll be thinking of you as the skin on my hands gets completely destroyed because I can no longer find the protective supplies I need to do my job safely.


I just imagined a world where Trump becomes patient zero for 100s of DC elites and rich donors. At some point he’s obviously sick and they start to suspect. But he still demands rigorous handshakes as a test of loyalty.


No way Trump ever gets tested (best genes)

If Gaetz or Collins test positive - Trump should be quarantined right?

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The twitter will break.

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The odds that Trump has COVID-19 right now has to be at least 1%, right?


I’m gonna call this and state that even if they get a test, then test positive, it would be reported as negative but they decide to self-quaratine anyway

Politicians are dropping like flies in other countries though

One time

Getting pretty…pretty…pretty close to using my one time.


I mean I know he’s a lifelong non-smoker/non-drinker and has access to the best healthcare in the world, I know he would probably survive. Still and all, it would be so fucking funny if Trump got it, especially quickly. Like, especially if there’s still <100 confirmed US cases when he’s diagnosed.


There are now >500 confirmed US cases (unless you meant deaths?)

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I mean, what are the odds that a random person on an American street has coronavirus? 0.1%? Politicians have to be at much higher risk.

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If he gets it and survives, Evangelical Christians are going to anoint him as God

They haven’t already?

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Good point.