Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Wonder if this is like V For Vendetta where the government spreads the virus, comes up with a cure, and uses it to further solidify control over its people.

That’s what I was getting at: relatively speaking, it’s like that mask can only stop you from accidentally inhaling a bag of Skittles. It’s sort of like CopperFit for Asians but without Brett Favre throwing post routes to labradors.



So there’s no need to assume its a global pandemic yet.

That’s how I met my 3rd husband.


The first case in Germany was confirmed today. It is an engineer who got infected while attending a job training in Germany together with a colleague from Shanghai, which makes it the first confirmation human-to-human transfer outside of Asia

The Chinese engineer is said to have been asymptomatic during the training and had had visitors from Wuhan the week before going to Germany.

None of that sounds ideal

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Did they find a cure? Stocks are up

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WHO said no big deal. Hong Kong said, wait what? TBC

Damn I thought I’d be pretty safe in bumfuck Ohio for awhile, but they have 2 suspected but not confirmed cases at Miami (of Ohio) University.

Oh sweet, that’s 50 miles from me, I get to be one of the first of us to die.


I always said when the nukes fall Im heading right for the drop zone. Obliteration/disintegration over radiation poisoning thank you


Yeah, lots of Chinese students and grad students.

Source: father was physics professor there, had many chinese grad students.

Shit, I’d better call my parents and tell them to be careful. They still live in Oxford.

I’m so out of the loop… what does WAAF stand for?

we are all fine


We are all feverish.


Does the 777 in your name mean you give everyone permission to do anything?

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Had not seen this posted - here is a really clean dashboard linked to multiple data sources showing the progress (geography, infected, deaths, etc.)


We are all Fluish

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