Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For the layman please?

they found how this virus enters human cells.

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Thanks. So this is potentially good news.

Two strains of the virus have caused outbreaks of severe respiratory diseases in humans: SARS-CoV, which caused an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) between 2002 and 2003, and SARS-CoV-2, which since late 2019 has caused an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).[7] Both strains descended from a single ancestor but made the cross-species jump into humans separately, and SARS-CoV-2 is not a direct descendant of SARS-CoV.[7] There are hundreds of other strains of SARSr-CoV, all of which are only known to infect non-human species: bats are a major reservoir of many strains of SARS-related coronaviruses, and several strains have been identified in palm civets which were likely ancestors of SARS-CoV.

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btw, confirmation from Australia that false-negatives are a thing:

A 53-year-old Sydney health worker is also believed to have contracted the virus via person-to-person transmission after treating a female patient for the illness.

NSW Health authorities initially believed the man didn’t have the coronavirus but a third test proved he was infected.

That’s kind of good news, in that those cases of “reinfection” that have been reported are imo very likely to simply be false-negative tests which incorrectly cleared them of the virus. But it’s another nail in the coffin of the idea that this thing is going to be contained in the long term, like we can’t even reliably tell who has it. The task now is to slow down the spread of the infection to the point where hospitals aren’t going to get overwhelmed with cases.

I was just in Tampa for a wedding. Don’t worry, I’ll do the right thing and quarantine myself in the Villages.


Yea I was down in St Pete last weekend and flew through the Tampa Airport. I’ll be in Vegas this upcoming weekend, so gonna need some super rungood.

CR being super aggressive with the virus compared to countries not named China, becoming the first country to ban flights from Italy and South Korea. They have also stopped issuing visas to people from China.

So far only 3 confirmed infections, 2 are in Prague.

Unless they have already implemented large scale testing I wouldn’t count on those numbers being accurate. I think it’s too late to stop pretty much anywhere at this point.

My school recently sent out a warning to parents basically saying if your kid has a cold, keep their ass home. We’ve also been instructed to ask students to call their parents to be picked up if they exhibit symptoms consistent with coronavirus.

People are starting to stock up on stuff but few are all that concerned. Their view is if they get infected then it is what it is. Of course they’re not elderly or immunocompromised.

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We just got an auto phone call to the entire school system saying if your kid or anyone they’ve been in contact with has recently returned from Italy, keep them home until further notice.

I guess they assumed nobody went to China, Iran, WA or CA.

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This is the heart of the problem with America’s decentralized states rights system.

Yeah anything remotely resembling this is ever happening in any Western countries. Sounds like a good reason to go for the dictatorship model!

You joke (I think) but between now and November a serious outbreak in the US will 100% generate a Republican narrative that the election must be “postponed”.

It would be if it had actually worked. Given that they still have tons of cases and are going to fully reopen their factories no later than 3/11 it seems like it didn’t.

Obv joking. Pretty scared to see how King Orange will use this though. And pretty scary how high the chances must be of the Dem nominee catching this and actually dying from it, given their age.

If a major earthquake knocks out our water at the height of the outbreak I’m just going to assume it is God’s plan for me to perish, like the poor guy in Thailand who had COVID-19 and Dengue fever.

Ya, the experts seem to all be saying that China’s response to the virus was incompetent and the rest of the world shouldn’t follow their model.

It all makes sense now. Mayor Pete is using his ruthless management consulting corporate skills to law low while COVID-19 takes out the other contenders one by one.

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