Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yep, if one employee has it, they’ll contaminate it immediately.

Feels like optics.

1 new death in Washington state.

SNL actually made a pretty good point about the politicians running for president and their coronavirus risk, especially if they are going to be in crowds all day long.

Berkeys and Zen Water Systems take out everything except flouride. (Berkey might actually do flouride also, dont recall.)

Berkeys are made of steel but can have problems with the seals. Zen Water are plastic and dont do flouride but are cheap and effective. Just have to replace the mineral filter every year and the dome filter every 6 months.

I did a deep dive into this a few years ago.

Grunching but first nyc case is someone back from Iran.

When do the conspiracies about the US creating this virus (already been said) but with the target being Iran and somehow leaked to China.

There seems to have been a lot of cases transmitted from Iran to other countries. Iran must be an absolute fucking disaster right now. Good thing the US is following their response model.

Lots from Italy as well I noticed.

Not sure if posted but they are saying it could have been in Washington since mid January.

Yes, you are correct. But I think Italy is less surprising both because I imagine their citizens travel abroad more frequently and they also have a ton of international tourism.


That makes sense since it seem to take at least 3 weeks for the virus to kill.

My takeaway is that Fairway didn’t shut down?! I thought they had gone bankrupt.

They are in bankruptcy but will be selling that location and some other profitable ones to a new owner.

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China is Iran’s biggest trading partner and there’s tons of Chinese investment there and construction in infrastructure.

Never. The people who would come up this those conspiracy theories are now full time MAGA chodes who love Trump.

I guess we’ll find out at that nursing home whether the Diamond Princess convinced authorities to evacuate obviously contaminated environments or if they’ll just go “lol fuck em”.

Iran must be an absolute fucking disaster right now.

7% of their Parliament already has it and the locals burned down a clinic that took in sick people.

If those scientists in Israel actually do come up with a vaccine quickly, (doubtful), there will be some whoppers of conspiracy theories going around about how Israel created the bug and had the vaccine ready (to protect themselves) and intentionally introduced it to Iran which is where it really started, etc. etc.

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Mayo Pete’s corner threw in too soon. Now Tulsi has a clean path to the throne and people are gonna be really confused why she spikes on PI.

It ain’t coming through the water. That, among other things, is why we have water treatment plants that use things like chlorine (not sure if the virus could survive for long in even untreated water). However, if there’s a major disaster, eg, huge earthquake or tons of casualties from something else, and taps stop flowing, water is a good deal more essential than food.