Coronavirus (COVID-19)

My nurse friend is giving me an n95 mask. Definitely gonna take it but surprised she thinks it will help me from catching it.

But it will come in handy for sure. I can wear it whenever I’m around my mom just in case.

So people either get it and it isn’t bad enough to warrant a hospital trip or are asymptomatic.

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People get the flu every six years on average so 19 years isn’t that notable especially if you had it a few times in the past.

I had not had it for at least fifteen but binked it two years in a row. Unless what I had in January was coronavirus, which given where I work is not impossible if it was around and there was a weird out-of-breath symptom that kind of persists today that I attributed to being out of shape.

Thanks, but I rent and it’s not going to happen. (In NJ)
Throw in a storage battery and I could disconnect completely. Life goal.

Get a damn flu shot.


I suppose. I’m not agin it, just don’t like getting stuck and do like being lazy and like I pretty much never get sick.

If you don’t ever get sick that’s all the more reason you should be getting flu shots.

I heard an ICU nurse talking about coronavirus and was surprised she was less informed than I am. I wanted to butt in but held my tongue.

People in this forum are more informed on this than probably at least half of nurses and a not insignificant percentage of doctors.

? Seems like you’d want it more if you did get sick. (Maybe not if you have an immune disorder) Also, not getting sick I’m not likely to spread it.

If your immune system doesn’t have a lot of antibodies because you’re never exposed to the flu, it increases your risk of getting wafflecrushed when you do eventually get it.

Ok, I’ll do it. I’m sure I’ve been exposed though. Other people in my house have had it. I guess there’s a good chance I’ve had it and it was just super mild. I pretty much never run a fever, but I do get what I think of as a little cold probably every couple years.

Yeah I had a doctor tell me that even if you get a different strain of flu, if you’ve had the flu shot it helps your body fight it way better and keeps it pretty mild.

Only thing that sucks is some people feel kinda shitty for a day or so as your immune system goes into overdrive. Idiots think this is the flu shot infecting them but its usually just being a lil sore with a low grade fever for a day.


The flu shot is trivial easy to get. The only reason not to get one is if you are allergic to some component of it. Even if you don’t get hit hard with the flu, not being vaccinated raises the risk you spread it to others. Get the damn flu shot, please.


I have a step sister that’s a nurse practitioner, and 2 sisters that are pharmacists in hospitals. I am definitely more informed than all 3. The nurse practitioner is somewhat informed. I asked the nurse practitioner if their practice is prepared at all, or what they are doing differently. She said they aren’t at all. They’ve been given a phone number to call if they suspect someone has coronavirus. That’s the extent of the guidance they’ve been given.

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Cost if you’re not insured can be an issue. It’s like $25-$40 I think.

To me it seems clear that the leadership of the US and (to a lesser extent) the rest of the world have made a general decision that we are just going to see how deadly this thing really is before we take any drastic containment action.

What’s the latest on the mortality rate of this?

~1% but the data is so bad they really don’t have a clue. And it varies a lot by age and other conditions.

We’re well past the point where this could ever be contained. Assume it’s going to be across the US in a week or two.