Coronavirus (COVID-19)

183 confirmed cases in NYC as of this afternoon

Edit: seeing conflicting info here. The city site says 183 but the state site says 213. Difference may be residents vs. people being treated in the city

So, what happened after he appealed to the Gaming Control Board. I assume he lost.

qPCR requires a different machine. probably they’re saying if they are at capacity with all their equipment they can use this related equipment to do the tests as well.


Living like the Unabomber seems to be the optimal way to prevent getting infected.

Tbh I wasn’t quite sure what he was specifically saying. I’d like to know though.

But, when lamenting the worker’s plight and their slave wages and then saying society will collapse, one obvious answer is, “Good?”

Right? USA#1 turning into a social democracy would be a negative collapse in a lot of people’s eyes.

Sorry for what?

Shortness of breath and chest tightness is the one thing that is probably lost dangerous that can come by itself. IMO anyone with those types of respiratory symptoms should call a doctor to be safe.

I mean, I didn’t even say go to the doctor, I said call one.

Strep needs antibiotics, right? I assume that working for a uni means @beetlejuice has healthcare.

If a lot of people feel that way, I’ll see my way out.

Agreeing with Jalfrezi.

People aren’t trying to belittle or gloat, they’re genuinely trying to help people feel less anxious.


Not positive but iirc in sports betting sub they were discussing him not winning long after it happened.

I think Johnny is saying the causes of the upheaval will include the precarious position of the everyday worker, but that the result of the upheaval may not be good for them.

Oh not this AGAIN.

Getting yourself worked up over something you have little control over is bad for you and bad for people who read panic posts, stress being a major immune system suppressant.


Trump has the ability to text to every cel phone in the country in a national emergency. That could be the final nail to fascism. Republicans will be deeply concerned he’s now doing it every day. Press will complain. Within a couple weeks everyone will forget the president never used to text us every day.

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Message from Leader Trump. Reply “Thank you Sir” - or else.

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Aside from machine cost, qPCR is better in almost every way including speed, automation, and accuracy?

There’s a fine line between too much anxiety and not enough. Some people ITT are citing all the most optimistic experts and ignoring the pessimistic experts. Stuff like “.6% is the ceiling” is crazy far to the optimistic end of the range right now.

And of course when I post data and analysis about how we might be okay, we might keep the curve flat enough, it’s forgotten as soon as I say something negative cause I’m “always” negative.

I mean jalfrezi is still dunking on jman for… being the one to predict this being a huge deal? Like this thread would be better without the guy who was telling us to worry two months ago?


I just spent 2 hours reading this thread and have chest pain, too. Have to say the takes from yesterday that panicking in this thread is one way to cope seems like a bad take now. Amping up anxiety about things out of your control is going to do real harm to people. If you like journaling, put pen to paper, imo.


I wouldn’t say its a self-quarantine, but I started extreme social distancing yesterday. I guess I’ll keep it up for a couple of weeks or more. So I’m not leaving the house except to get the mail and wash the car in the driveway. I’ve got enough food to get by for a couple of weeks. So I won’t be seeing any food shortages or chaos if its happening. At least not first hand. I bought some dumbbells a couple of weeks ago so that I don’t have to go to the gym. Hoping to come out of this in better shape, lighter, and with a much cleaner house.


It’s always been about putting things into perspective, especially in public (like here) where it’s not good to be constantly promoting the worst case scenario.