Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I actually said to a buddy, I wonder what odds I could get on a different VP on the ticket because there seems to be a pretty high likelihood of catastrophe here and Pence is lined up to be the fall guy. Apparently others had the same thought, he’s dropped from 88c to 77c in a day to be the VP nominee.

Well like 90% of my expenditures (housing, gas, healthcare, utilities, auto care, auto insurance, travel, food) keep going up. But at least I can console myself that technically inflation is going down. Too bad I don’t buy a flat screen TV every 6 months or I’d appreciate it more.

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Yup, like I said earlier we are going down the Iran path here.

I’m age 56, and I’m tentatively planning to retire at age 60. Before the end of last year my portfolio was 80% US stocks, 10% Foreign and 10% bonds, at which time I shifted to 40% US, 25% foreign, and 35% bonds.

I am resisting any urges to make changes at this time due to Coronavirus.

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And also to being in the wrong thread.

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There is some finance discussion, including regarding COVID, here:

I think it’s best to move the finance stuff there, as it bogs down this thread a bit. This thread is for news, I-told-you-sos, and the-sky-is-falling only, please.


There has been talk in both this thread and Personal Finance about the stock market. A mod can move this post if necessary.

Mods, can we excise this to the Personal Finance thread so I don’t have to feel bad about continuing the derail?

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This is what Trump does to us.

This thread is about a virus that may kill in the range of 9M people globally and half the talk is about the stock market.


I mean what else is there to say about this virus?

There’s so little that’s known at this point. We know it’s contagious and it’s killing people. The rest is just waiting for science to respond to the questions we all have.

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As if we wouldn’t be having this conversation if Obama was pres. I have as little respect as anybody for the man but our banalaties are our own.


Just told the wife this. Half the group expecting millions dead and the other half estate planning.


Coming soon to leftwing Unstuck Politics: How to spread your financial risk when the ovens fire up.


Bush voters didn’t think Bush bungled national security on 911

We are so screwed.


I agree with that, I think I laid some of that out upthread but there’s definitely a case to be made that it could spread way worse here than in China. Flip side is we aren’t getting blindsided like they did… But the preparation was carried out by the Trump administration. So… Yeah.

On the flip side we use way less public transportation and our poor people (who don’t always have the luxury of being germ freaks) are generally a lot more spread out than Asia.

Based on the fact there is no testing here in the US it seems extremely likely to me that there are tons of people infected here in various stages.

My wife works as a nurse in a ICU of a fairly large hospital and she said for Ebola they sent a team of people to some cdc event on treating it. Says there is no such thing happening now with the current cdc and her hospital isn’t even testing people for it.

Coronavirus case confirmed in Northern Ireland. The passenger travelled through Dublin Airport from Italy. Cheers boss, thanks for that.


I’m not sure if getting tested does all that much for you. Isn’t the treatment the same as what doctors normally do for severe colds? I’m not a doctor, I dunno.