Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Can’t find that stuff easily in my area, I substitute cooking sherry.

I’ve only ever had Mexican - I didn’t know there were Chinese black beans. As far as seeds: pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, chia, pine nuts, hemp - lot’s of choices that people use in salads.

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It would be with the Mexican ethnic stuff. It crumbles up like Feta. It’s the stuff in street corn, if you’ve ever had that?

i just had chicken breast fried in some sort of cotija-based breading. delicious.

I actually poured some shoaxing wine around the edge of the wok just before adding in the oyster sauce/soy sauce/maple syrup/seseme oil combo.


Actually I’ve had some kind of pickled/marinated black beans in Korean places as an appetizer. Are those the Chinese ones? Those would work too if they are.

Yes I think “Asian” black beans are actually black soy beans. I have some in my fridge.

Chinese black beans are fermented soybeans perhaps best know to Westerners as an ingredient in mapo tofu. I do not think they would go well with salad.


The appetizer I had was Kongjorim, I believe. Seems like it would be ok on a salad, but I was pretty drunk the one time I had it so who knows.

There’s a couple of different versions of this, one is more dry and crumbly and one is more dense and wet like a paste. The dry version might be okay in salad. It’s an umami bomb so I could see using them kind of similarly to anchovies in a salad.

Did a salt brine hot sauce. Giving it 2 more days to ferment but holy shit I basically tear gassed my apartment cutting these bad girls up.

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Hummus? Tapenade?

What is, “a lot stuff?” I put butter “on” bread, pancakes, and waffles, none of which I eat all that often. Olive oil on bread is good, but I can’t really imagine pancakes with something that isn’t butter or pretending to be butter. I put it in pan sauces and it’s namesake buerre blanc, in mashed potatoes, and in roux. There isn’t a good substitute for butter for those things. Are there other things you put butter on?

You can get pre-made hummus and it’s great on toast for a quick and easy snack.

Try unbuttered toast/bagel with jelly. Not sure why you need both.

Baba ghanoush or hummus would be fine on toast.

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3-bone Prime Rib going on the smoker at 225F. Will let it ride until 125F, take it out and bump the temp up to 500F, then get some crust developed until 130F.

Hopefully a beautiful coast-to-coast Medium Rare when all said and done.


Looks great. Any particular occasion?

Recipe development, for work. I’ll have a bite or two to verify that it tastes good, then find it a real dinner table. Probably a shelter, maybe a firehouse.


Roger. My first thought was, “Is it Canadian Thanksgiving? Is sriracha even Canadian? Wait, that’s supposed to be on a Monday.” But hammering out something to publish right before the holidays makes a ton of sense.

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