Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

So what are you gonna do with it? Just a bunch of sandos? Anything else?

I think just sit down with a fork and have at it.



As-is, sandwich, taco, burrito, plain, sauced, breakfast, lunch, dinner. No shortage of things to do with pulled pork.

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I’m good with all that except for plain, unsauced. It’s OK, but seems like a waste. There are better ways to consume.

I think I’ve got a giant pork shoulder in my freezer from the COVID meat shortage times. I should probably do this.

The fishmonger at the farmers market gave me a hunk of monkfish yesterday and my buddy dropped off some wild chanterelle mushrooms on Friday, so it seemed like I needed to try something for dinner on Saturday combining both of them.

Pan fried Monkfish medallions covered with sautéed chanterelle mushrooms with a side of German* potato salad.

I should have done two things differently:

  1. Plated on a larger plate so people could actually see each food
  2. Opened a nice white wine to go with it (had to drive after dinner though)

Perhaps also should have changed the water in the flower vase, now that I notice that.

  • Not a true German potato salad, more like a hybrid French/German oil and vinegar based with a touch of mustard.

Monkfish might be even more delicious than it is ugly. Sounds great.

Even the raw loin or whatever it was he gave me (it looked like a cod loin) was completely slimy and gross. And yeah the fish itself is fugly. Tasted good though! First time for me.

Keep an eye out for ankimo at Japanese restaurants: monkfish liver. It’s amazing.

It’s hatch Chile season. Made Kenji’s pressure cooker chili verde with all hatch chiles… Came out really good, but I think next time I’ll only hit it briefly with the immersion blender. I prefer my hatch chiles to not be completely blended.


Looking for ideas on what to do with a shitload of tomatoes. I’m inheriting 6 or 8 high-producing plants and am not feeling inspired.

Cooking and canning tomato sauce seems obvious, was also thinking smoked tomato jam.

tomato sauce are an obvious pick if the tomatoes are top notch. so versatile for the rest of the year. but i also like making what we call letsco. not the stew, but rather a pepper in tomato sauce pickle. it’s pretty easy, just add a tablespoon of salt, and half a cup of vinegar and oil. you can add onions, garlic, different peppers, whole or deseeded, chili flakes, some peppercorns. go crazy.

another thing i’ve been meaning to try this year is matbucha. which is like a cooked version of the same ingredients (minus the vinegar) and moroccan spices.

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I love tomatoes, but I’m not especially creative. Caprese, burger toppings, BLTs, and green salad mix ins for fresh. Canning a version of Kenji’s best red sauce for the rest. There are other things, but they might be disrespectful to the tomatoes.

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oh yeah, this time of year we basically eat tomato salads everyday. my favorite is tomato-cucumber-onion combo with sour cream or oil. season to taste. but it’s pretty standard to just buy good burrata, basil, and make killer caprese salad as well.

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This summer has been pretty terrible here. We got off to a wet, late start, and then it’s been way too damn hot. This past weekend, though, was finally perfect.


Yeah, this, or add olives and feta to complete the Greek salad, is also a wonderful option.


You probably already know this, but most tomato sauces need to be pressure canned. So don’t, like, get botulism and die or something.


I actually forgot about this and you may have saved some future me from a terrible fate, thanks

Don’t tell me how to live my life egghead. Botulism was made up by the liberals so they can cancel tomato sauce because they’re RADICAL SOCIALISTS.