Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

So I’ve had the Kewpie mayo for a few weeks now and it’s fine. I don’t notice that big a difference and even then only if I’m focusing on it. Mme Melkerson actually can detect the difference fairly easily and she says she prefers Hellmann’s.

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I fucked around and experimented with a bok choy-sesame-ginger pesto with rice noodles. It was disappointing. Bok choy doesn’t have a ton of flavor so I guess I don’t know what I was expecting.


Duck breast with sage, prosciutto and peaches par cooked in duck fat IS BACK.


A noble effort but yeah you need something more fragrant than bok choice to pull it off.

I’m a bit behind on posting food pics. It’s Oktoberfest in the Wookie household too, @Tilted.

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What’s the beer? Cheers.

Edit: I don’t know why it’s sideways. Not messing with it.

Exactly the namesake of the Krug, Paulaner

Went to House of Prime Rib today which is like a SF institution, always on every top restaurant list, 3 month reservation period. The food was just awful. Like straight up bad imo. Paid 230 bucks for 3 sub par pieces of meat with borderline inedible sides. No drinks or deserts.

These people seem to think that cream is a substitute for seasoning or cooking knowledge

If you said nothing else, I would have assumed that “House of Prime Rib” was like the IHOP of rib roast. That name is definitely not doing them any favors. However, it seems like they have built up quite a reputation despite that and their cuisine.

I wish it was ihop

$230 is ridiculous. there’s almost never a point to paying that much unless it’s raised super sustainable.

never been to house of prime rib in bay area, but enjoyed it too much back in the day at hungry hunter. it was also overpriced but never came even close to $100. just googled and apparently it’s been bankrupt for like 15 years. sad story.

Only four stars on Yelp? Can’t be that special.

i paid 230 for the dinner (again, no alcohol or deserts), there were 3 of us. it wasn’t egregiously priced, just a terrible meal. “old school” in every bad sense, even though they kinda pride themselves on being that.

This is really good if you’re looking for something fast. At Costco.


I believe you that it’s good but I would be surprised if it wasn’t dry by the time you reheat it?

Not dry. Unless you overcook it.

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Pesto is an A+ baked potato topping, if anyone was wondering.

Real talk: how much pesto do you eat a week?


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Not enough.