Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Sure, but it sorta sounds like you are panning the use as inauthentic rather than celebrating it as knowledgeable experts finding the best local match for a fungible ingredient

Nah, I think it’s a pretty solid flavor combo.

Made reservations here. 1 michelin star. What would you pick? Can’t do raw dishes cause lol life decisions as if the world needs more people.

Asparagus starter and carrots main seems like the worst choice at that price point.

If it was me, quick decision:

Sautéed Foie Gras to start. Not sure about the grapefruit but I trust they know what they’re doing.

Main: Cabernet Braised Short Rib (“brasied”? is that a spelling error?, geez)

Bananas Foster for dessert.

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Shrimp, short rib, rhubarb

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Foie gras but the caviar is tempting, tuna but the pork chop, short rib, and halibut are all tempting, chocolate mouse.

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I’m pretty sure the pork chop will find its way to the table. My guess is that we’ll end up on Tuna and Pork Chop for main. Starters are a crap shoot. My wife might opt for the Burrata.

I didn’t look at desserts really cause who cares what I think there. My guess is that the chocolate mouse will have raw eggs so it won’t fly.

This is such a ridiculous fail. He makes middle eastern pitas and use them as a taco? YOU PUT THE SHWARMA INSIDE THE PITA YOU FILTHY ANIMAL.

If you want to make greek gyros you make a flat bread and roll it.

It’s such an insane fail I can’t even think of an American parallel. Maybe making a hamburger bun from scratch and then placing the burger on top of the bun.


Pho is the most overrated dish on the planet.

Vegetarian Pho does indeed suck.

Nah I’ve had beef pho at the authentic Viet spot in okc that everyone obsesses over. I guess it’s good hangover food but that’s about it. It’s such a boring concept.

I acknowledge vegetarian pho as pho in the same way I acknowledge boneless wings as wings.

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oh is the perfect breakfast food too boring for you? Try a stack of breakfast cakes drenched in corn syrup.

I agree Pho for breakfast is pretty incredible on a cold day.

Jwax prefers fruity pebbles with strawberry milk.

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I love @jwax13 so there.

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Careful acting so sweet or he’ll eat you instead of delicious pho.

You have a pedestrian palette if you think Pho is exotic. :wink:

That’s the spiciest hot take I’ve seen so far on here.

Pho is great to clear your head when you’re sick. Also a great lunch on a cold, wet, dark winter day in the Pacific northwest.