Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Yikes. I don’t think I’d order anything from there. Everything on the menu seems very white and wrong and suburban and poorly bastardized. Are there any actual Vietnamese people involved?

Like the bun (rice noodles) comes with a side of… vinaigrette? The fuck? Nuoc cham or gtfo.

Also, good rule of thumb for Vietnamese is you don’t get your noodles and your sandwiches from the same place.


I’m optimistic that the menu is poorly translated for white people rather than being that severely white-ified.

dude it’s a college town where in and out is easily the most popular restaurant.

even the chinese restaurants suck and like 60% of the population is from china.

How do you get “vinaigrette” from nuoc cham?

This just seems silly.

Get a basic chicken pho, even if it’s mediocre and non-authentic it’s still good stuff.

It’s really not, and that isn’t something I made up myself. The key part of a banh mi is the baguette, and the best places are typically either bakeries or associated with one. A soup/noodle joint is a completely different place. It’d be like going to an American restaurant that serves both pizza and cheeseburgers. Odds are at least one of those isn’t going to be very good, probably neither.

I’d lean towards the special pho, with the hope that has both tendon and tripe. I don’t order pho from places that don’t have some option with those.

I was with you until the example. Plenty of places serve a good pizza and cheeseburger.

Vinegar is a core component of nuoc cham. I am not sure we have a word for anything like nouc cham except vinaigrette that is in common use in English. If you have a better translation, I am curious what you have.

And as for their legitimacy, as I noticed and as @NotBruceZ kindly highlighted, they serve pho with tripe and tendon. I, being rich and white, don’t usually order that, but I know that they are common in the motherland and universal in the legit places I have really liked. That is not the sort of thing that I would expect to see on the menu of a white-ified pho restaurant by and for white people.

I’d call it “stinky yummy fish water”.

I probably wouldn’t be a very good Vietnamese menu author.


I feel like @JohnnyTruant needs to be involved in this pho convo.

What about cheeseburger pizza?

You got some links?

I think the fancylad food snobs in this thread may be defining “good” differently.

Durian smoothie, ldo.

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Special pho (guessing beef ball, meat, tripe/tendon) + avocado smoothie for breakfast. Grilled pork on vermicelli or more special pho for lunch. Bun bo hue if dinner (probably wouldn’t go here for dinner). This is the only answer.

Is it just me or is one banh mi just never quite enough. I think the optimal amount of banh mi is 1.5. Two is too many, and one is not quite enough. So I just get two and save the extra 0.5 for later, but banh mi have a very short half life, so that last half is never nearly as good as the rest.


Get one banh mi plus a spring roll or two.

Shouldn’t you get three so you have 1.5 for later?

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I don’t love the spring rolls at my banh mi place. They’re fine, but not great.

Nah, the half-life is too short. If you don’t eat them fresh, they’re not great. I only really eat the other half because I hate throwing away food.

Probably heresy for @Yuv , but made “golden” shashuka with orange peppers and butternut squash. Should have taken a photo when the eggs were actually cooked, but it was damn good


When I was studying for actuarial exams and had no time for food prep I used to eat a ton of Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza slices (extra cheese) from the Pizza Pizza at the end of my street. Probably a low point for me in terms of nutrition. I regret nothing.