Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Beauty. Nice job.

Thanks. His stuff often takes longer than I’d prefer, but I don’t think there’s ever been a miss.

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we are at peak 2021

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Bad news guys, Cancel Culture is coming for Serious Eats.

Problematic indeed.


Vat o’ creole red beans cooling on the stove so I can portion it out and freeze most of it.


Leftover shrimp rolls and then I roasted up some carrots and sunchokes with ramp butter. I’ve never had or seen a sunchoke before but it was really good. It came in our weekly CSA box.


I tried cooking tempeh for the first time ever. It’s okay, interesting texture. Basically tastes like curry powder.


I’ve only had tempeh in the form of tempeh bacon, and it’s not bad at all.

I want to host a dinner party for 6 but I’m having trouble putting together a menu. Anyone have suggestions? Looking for 3 courses.

Any other constraints? To borrow from a wise man I know, sometimes you can let your constraint be your inspiration.

I want to be able to purchase everything from my local Whole Foods / local market. On a fancy scale of 1-10 im looking for something in the 5 range. I’m okay spending all day Saturday prepping and cooking. No dietary restrictions.

A shellfish dish is intriguing but the timing seems difficult. Something like the below.

Pick a cuisine and roll from there. It’s too hard to just pick random dishes


If everyone is a seafood eater and you don’t mind spending the dough, cioppino with a side of spicy mac n cheese is always a hit when I make it. Make the broth in advance and cook the seafood after people arrive. Add a nice spring salad to start, and teramisu to finish.

ETA: to help with the costs, and if I’m throwing a big dinner party, I’ll have each couple bring a pound of seafood to toss in. I usually cover the crab and shrimp.


Or the older French version of the idea that I’m planning to make myself tomorrow: bouillabaisse


Throwing a successful dinner party is an underappreciated adult skill that seems pretty tough to master. Entertaining guests while making a good meal is pretty tough to pull off, imo.

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Of course, the quality of seafood is the key here, so get the freshest you can. I live in Western Washington so getting good seafood isn’t very difficult. My standards I throw in is usually halibut, crab, shrimp, and clams. I usually make crab cakes with it too.

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A good partner helps. My wife usually entertains if I’m doing to cooking.

Love this and the cioppino idea. It seems like just enough work to be enjoyable but not stressful. I could easily make a simple Caesar salad as a first course.

Something like this:

  1. Caesar salad

  1. Bouillabaisse
  1. Basque Cheesecake? I don’t make or eat desert often.

I don’t have a NYT account to compare, but this is what I’ll be following:

It’s a bit more trouble, but the broth is really delicious this way, and it can be made in advance. Then you warm it up to poach the fish in it at go time. Don’t skip the rouille! It’s practically the best part of the dish.

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