Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Head up, man…

From the “things to do while on lockdown” (lol) thread:

Coconut oil for the pan
Onion - 1ea chopped
Garlic - 3ea minced
Knob o grated ginger
Curry power - 2T?
Red chili flakes - 1t
Lentils - 1 heaping cup, you choose the color
Crushed canned tomatoes - 15oz can
Veg stock - 1 box
Coconut milk - 1ea 14oz can
S+P til you’re happy
Enjoy w cilantro and lime wedges

Heat pan, add oil, add g/o/g, do cooking, add seasonings and lentils, stir to evenly distribute ingredients. Add tomatoes, stock, bring to simmer and continue to do cooking. Season liberally w s+p. Reduce heat to gentle blub blub blub and go for 1hr. Add coco milk and blub blub for 1 more hr. Taste and season, taste and season.

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