Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

This could be the dem version of “Sound of Freedom” - buying tickets to pump of the box office with no intention of seeing the movie.

I’m pretty sure this will be another example of “they’re a cult and we’re not” because the left isn’t going to mass attend a shitty movie just because it aligns with their political view.

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Some citing pullback in nc ad spending that they may be backing off there too. That sounds crazy. But trump is not really campaigning. He thought he could walk Biden with no effort or resources.


From their current spending pattern it looks like they’re all in on GA and PA and pretty much zeroed out everywhere else. Is that a strategy? Beats me.

Doubt it is a strategy. They just don’t have money to spend as it is all going to Trump and his family. Some people on this site used to say money decides elections and if that is still true then Trump has no chance as he is collecting less and not spending it on the election.

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Anyone want to take one for the forum and brave an hour of this?

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Donald Trump is now claiming the Arlington National Cemetery scandal was “all made up” by his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris.

Trump made the claim in a rambling Truth Social post on Tuesday morning. The GOP nominee claimed “there was no conflict or ‘fighting’ at Arlington National Cemetery last week” and that it was “a made up story by Comrade Kamala and her misinformation squad.” This comes despite confirmation from the Army that there was an incident in which an employee was pushed aside.

“She made it all up to make up for the fact that she and Sleepy Joe have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS for the INCOMPETENT AFGHANISTAN Withdrawal - THE MOST EMBARRASSING DAY IN U.S. HISTORY!!!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

That’s a “No” from me. I can listen to Theo, but Lex?


I lol’ed right off the bat because one of the guest on the Chapo podcasts talks about how the Trump campaign sees their ideal voter as a disaffected guy who likes to talk about winning and the ‘winning mindset’ all the time to everyone and the first segment is all about how Trump likes winning.


Ha just saw that. Some reviews I read said he answered zero direct questions. He always changed the subject.


15 minutes in and he’s talking about another thing that Chapo brought up. The Republican narrative about stolen elections makes no sense. Biden and the Democratic Party cheated and stole the 2020 election but now it’s undemocratic and a unfair that he stepped down, or sorry, that he was couped, and Harris is running?

Also this guy has 400 podcasts? To call this an interview assumes some kind of interaction between people. All this guy does is ask a question, let Trump talk, and then he asks the next question, all with the personality of paint drying.

And the median length of each one is like 7.2 hours

How much do you think Lex paid Trump to be on the podcast?

Stolen from Reddit

I got bored the other day and did some analysis on this. It stemmed from him saying that he’s so brilliant and weaving together things in his speeches. Using a transcript of a speech, a supposedly prepared articulation for a rally in Arizona in July, I broke it down into clauses, started statements, and references to things to see what could be untangled from what ideas get brought up that get concluded with something.

I got to the eleventh paragraph with the 17m:17s timestamp. I counted up 40 started subjects. Stuff like:

• ⁠"The economy…. we will be talking about it…inflation…"
• ⁠"In my opinion there is no way they win an election without cheating…."
• ⁠"No second amendment…"
• ⁠"They’re against energy…"
• ⁠"We straightened out the border…which is a big deal…."
• ⁠"The election caused death and destruction…"
• ⁠Negotiating with OPEC and Russia…
• ⁠Oil closures in America…

Forty started subjects like this in 17 minutes of speech - SEVEN of these had any sort of conclusion or explanation as to the whys, whos, whats, hows, or becauses. And I mean barely finalized with anything.

• ⁠School over zoom…bad for children
• ⁠“The lying media… has lost credibility"… is bad
• ⁠Karen Fan Arizona Senate….predicts will win
• ⁠State Senators…doing a great job of….thanks them
• ⁠Thanks more individuals for doing great jobs of…being republican
• ⁠governor Doug Ducey… not popular… ”Not popular with me either”
• ⁠Mitch McConnell sucks…wasn’t going to endorse him and then did then he won.

It’s not like people don’t know this, I was just curious to see some measurement of the incoherence. To be generous you could round up and say he gets to a point 20% of the time. It’s mad man rambling.

Devil’s advocate might argue that he brings things up and his audience will understand and fill in the blanks. There’s a lot of blanks ends here, 80%+. You can fill them in with whatever you want, and that can be as dangerous as the direct pronouncements of harm he spews.


That’s probably why what he does works so well with many people. He doesn’t really say shit and they’re left to fill in the blanks and hear what they want to hear. Different people may believe completely opposing things, yet they both come away thinking he’s a god savior


This is like when a famous musician performs a medley of his greatest hits. You don’t need to do the full song, you just need the play the hook and the fans go wild