Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I’ve been so proud of myself for biting my tongue (keyboard) when I see a Facebook post that I want to respond to, especially because they are often my wife’s friends.

Two of them have gone way overboard on pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian stuff and I actually did reply to one of their posts recently because it was blatant misinformation. I was just matter-of-fact and provided a link to the correct info. She didn’t apologize, but did take it down.


“I’ve not read it, and i have no idea who is in charge of it” could have been the tag line for his entire first administration


Biden is still the President in the affordable paradise that is east Texas, right?

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I went the opposite way. I still had some high school friends on FB who went full RWNJ. For years I just ignored it trying to avoid politics. In 2020 I just started clapping back at all the bullshit and lies. Some unfriended me. I don’t care. I have to play nice with my wife’s family but otherwise if you’ve friended me on FB and you are posting RW shit, I’m not staying quiet.


Okay I see it now. Thanks a lot.

I had to block about 50 of my contacts on LinkedIn because they decided that the best way to use a networking/job posting/professional site is to spam it with rah rah pro-Israel stuff. I don’t object to them having those political beliefs but it’s not why I’m on LinkedIn.

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Who’s the guy on the left supposed to be.

No idea, dudes trump impression sucks too

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Roy Cohn I think?

I can’t buy the idea that Trump was ever less of a blowhard than we see him today. He’s been a jackass from the jump.


Yep. Jeremy Strong playing Cohn is a choice…


I’m guessing he’s not trying to do an impression because it would be too distracting to the audience. Go with more of the personality and demeanor rather than a straight-up impression.


I think it’s his dad’s old lawyer Roy Cohn. Supposedly, this is where he learned never to back down or apologize and just keep bullshitting and relentlessly hyping himself

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I don’t think I’m a believer that a biopic needs to exactly replicate the voice, accent, and speech cadence of it’s subject, but it’s an interesting choice to not really attempt to come close when your subject is as someone as famous - and known largely for their voice, accent, and speech cadence - as Trump. Although I think younger Trump was not nearly as exaggerated in his speech as current-day Trump.

Heck, the Roy Cohn character sounded more Trump-like than the Trump character in this clip.


I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in forever but I might go see this train wreck.

Especially if it makes trump cry.

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This could be the dem version of “Sound of Freedom” - buying tickets to pump of the box office with no intention of seeing the movie.

I’m pretty sure this will be another example of “they’re a cult and we’re not” because the left isn’t going to mass attend a shitty movie just because it aligns with their political view.

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Some citing pullback in nc ad spending that they may be backing off there too. That sounds crazy. But trump is not really campaigning. He thought he could walk Biden with no effort or resources.


From their current spending pattern it looks like they’re all in on GA and PA and pretty much zeroed out everywhere else. Is that a strategy? Beats me.