Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

We got him!




Do these people not know that this is a man who thinks unprecedented is unpresidented and wants to know why we canā€™t nuke hurricanes?

ah yes the ā€œtrump could suddenly wake up tomorrow and care about other human beings and sing kumbaya and start working in a soup kitchenā€ ok

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It could!

ā€¦attack Harris on hypocrisy


Uhhh WOW! Congrats on the engagement Tim!

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The Trump pivot is coming any day nowā€¦


honestly I think the move for harris is to just fucking laugh at everything trump says with a ā€œget a load of this guyā€ sort of dismissal. I honestly think this is the way to get him rattled and have the best chance of getting him to say/do something really jarring. Dude obviously is completely tilted by being called weird, get up there and say ā€œcheck out this ancient dinosaur from the 19th century with his caveman ideas, what a jokeā€

itā€™s not like anyone is tuning in for substantive policy discussion. seems like very little downside to this


Maybe this only happens on SNL but Iā€™m thinking actually point at the guy. Point and laugh and say this man is a weirdo. Point and say this man is a liar. Point and say this man is a fraud. Point and say this man is a convicted felon. Point and say this man took away womenā€™s rights. Point and say this man tried to steal an election. Point and say this man got people killed by COVID. Point, pause, and say this man is a rapist.


Whenever he brings up hypocrisy Iā€™d just laugh and say ā€œthis dude reversed his opinion on the abortion ban amendment in his own state in 24 hours, and still canā€™t tell you if heā€™s voting to ban abortion or not. Donald, do you want to ban abortion in the state of Florida, or not?ā€


Someone tell me how to make tiktok just a link and not imbed.

This was trump pandering to Puerto Ricans a couple weeks back.

And he actually said he was pandering.

Some optional text in square brackets to identify link, followed by tik tok link, in parentheses.

Itā€™s probably clearer if you quote my post so you can see the formatting.

Same link wrapped in parentheses without the optional text:

(TikTok - Make Your Day)


A friend posted this on FB:

Which prompted this reply:

Please donā€™t tell me youā€™re voting for lying Kamala. Iā€™ve been in a medical situation like sheā€™s talking about. It was when my dad was in the Navy. I can tell you horror stories about it.

The point above is that they are ex-Trump advisors and Iā€™m sure you have seen white papers from Think tanks or others that have fallen by the wayside.

I can no longer afford to live in CA, so my hubby and I am moving to East Texas, hopefully within the next month. I have an 80 yo old cousin who needs help and she is all alone there. We were looking at Texas anyway, so I told my husband to look around where she lives. We can get a 2000 sq ft house, with a pool (above ground) and storage sheds for less than 250k. No HOA. No state taxes, and the property tax is half of what Iā€™m paying now.

CA is my home and Iā€™m sad about leaving, but I just canā€™t make ends meet. Iā€™d go where my daughter lives but she is moving from VA to another state (donā€™t know where), so until then, I have to go where Iā€™ll be happy.

BTW, Iā€™m 6 years with no cancer (yea!).

So of course, gotta vote Trump. o_O

I have completely cut out reading any kind of comment section / social media crap and my life definitely isnā€™t worse for it.


But is it better?!?!?

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I used to argue with the social media morons from 2015-2020 and my life is so much better simply unfollowing them at the first sign of trouble.