Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Is this a joke or do you really not know how to drive?


paging @suzzer99

I understood the rolling stop is a standard thing in SoCal (never lived there myself). Depending on the speed of the roll through, I really don’t think it’s less safe for pedestrians in a suburban or small town setting.

There’s still plenty of time of see and yield when needed without the complete stop. Attentiveness and defensiveness in close situations pretty much trump everything else in terms of being a safe driver.

I think the percentage is even higher than that, and I agree. It’s segments like this that will make up a crucial extra fraction of a percent that could easily tip the balance in most or all swing states.

The problem is that these uber low info people could just as easily be swayed the other way by any random thing, like “Um I saw some headline about how stocks were down 8% in the last week before election day (I don’t own any stocks lolol) and that must mean recession so it means the current guy isn’t doing good and it’s time to switch to the other guy”.

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34/46 = .739

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Like all blanket statements, equating all crime with being a bad person is problematic. How often do you exceed the speed limit? It is very likely you don’t anyone over the age of 18 who hasn’t committed several crimes, some habitually.

If you want to say you think convicted rapists are bad people, that’s a different thing. We’ve been taught by 50 years of TV cop shows that all criminals are bad so your view probably isn’t unusual.


While I guess it’s possible to pay as much attention while slowing down as when stopping, in my opinion and experience that is not how it plays out in practice.

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Check your denominator for any non-contiguousness


Mornings are hard. Thanks


Well yeah, every aggro asshole also isn’t doing close to a complete stop, so the stats are going to be skewed to rollers being unsafe drivers, but I think it’s totally possible to roll stop signs on the regular and be a safe driver as well.

he didn’t say “all criminals are bad”

also I would note that “exceeding the speed limit” is not (necessarily) a “crime”

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Typical Americans can’t handle the subtlety and nuance of Give Way.


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Typical Americans can’t handle the subtlety and nuance of “stop”, so really anything beyond that isn’t a very big surprise.

There’s one traffic circle (in Massachusetts we call this a rotary) that I know of in Los Angeles and it is an absolute shitshow.

Did they change the Yield sign to that at some point? Not in US?

IIRC only like a third of Americans have college degrees and most of the people who do are idiots. It’s borderline impossible to wrap your head around how dumb people are if you’ve spent your entire adult life in highly educated / credentialed environments.


One can see if there aren’t any pedestrians in an intersection or around it, if there aren’t and you don’t see any cops either then slow to 5 kmh and accelerate again.

They stopped putting yield signs in Ontario because too many people didn’t understand them, now they are stop signs…thanks stupid drivers.

By the numbers: 54% of registered voters “strongly” or “somewhat” approve of the guilty verdict compared to 34% who "strongly or “somewhat” disapprove.

49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction. [Also 8% of “Trump supporters”.] The polls found the race effectively tied nationally in a 1-on-1 with Biden at 45% and Trump at 44%.


lol what at the bottom line

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Yeah. Oh well, what can you do?

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