Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I thought thats what he was doing when he was running the Miss Teen USA program.


I recently got a ticket for rolling thru a stop sign. 2am not another car in sight. Cops do important work


Hey me too. That fucker.

I had one of those in college. The stop included a full field sobriety test. I assume your cop was looking for drunk drivers too. Iā€™m not pro cop but I do support keeping drunk drivers off the street so meh.


Long Beach?

No, I was thinking LA proper. Thereā€™s one in the Cypress Park neighborhood that people call the Riverside Roundabout.

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I taught my brother how to do a rolling stop if no one is around. Hr proceeded to do one during his driving test.


I support keeping drunk drivers off the road too, but there should be some other cause for a stop like weaving or something. Of course he asked if I had been drinking and of course I didnā€™t answer

i donā€™t do the math myself, i just stole it from twitter.

that said, not counting grover cleveland twice gets you north of .75, which if youā€™re feeling generous, rounds up.

Different poll also showing felony conviction isnā€™t good politics.

Ten percent of Republican registered voters say they are less likely to vote for Donald Trump following his felony conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday.

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Pat on the back for those who called this conviction a year ago.

Overall indictments/convictions/jail perfect brackets down to just six.



Now for the downside of insisting the lawbros finish the trials NOW: the impact of the verdict on the election is less than it would have been if the verdict came in October. Maybe it would have been helpful to get him out during the primary campaign, not that that would be likely.

Iā€™m in esteemed company

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Had to spend the last couple days studying for a test, just now laying back with a tourniquet on my arm injecting all Fox News hostsā€™ and MAGA reps and senatorsā€™ whiny unhinged reactions into my veins over and over


On the plus side, it gives him more time and opportunity to say stupid stuff from his enraged mental swirl




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:well, bye: