Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

That bias seems pretty rational to me


In what way?

It may be wrong, but I think there is a rational basis.

If a person is convicted of a crime, he is more likely to have committed a crime.
If person committed a crime, he is more likely to be a bad person.

I donā€™t think the problem with the above logic is that itā€™s irrational.

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Trump is drawing dead no one will accept that though

He lost in 2020 and heā€™s a shell of himself now and a convicted felon and still facing charges in 3 other trials

He just doesnā€™t have the votes.


Okay I see what you mean. I guess Iā€™m just thinking of cases where Iā€™d care what crime was committed and how young the person was. Your point stands tho and Iā€™m hoping it makes the difference with Trump votes.

For those who donā€™t read 2p2 anymore, thereā€™s a real gem of a post where Sklanskly says he ran into 2 guys at WSOP who werent planning on voting but now are voting Trump after this ā€œbogusā€ trial.

Those 2 players are Mike Matusow and James Woods.

Theyre always lying.



Yeah, that was great.

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Are those just generic douchebags or am I supposed to know who they are?

The people that were going to vote for Trump but now wonā€™t because he is a felon is remind me of those that were going to stop being a Cleveland Browns fan once they paid a billion dollars to a hand rapist.

Neither exist.

Theyā€™ll still chew broken glass to pull the lever and go nuts when their guy throws a touchdown pass.

Itā€™s all identity sportsball and being a fan means youā€™ll twist yourself in a pretzel for your team no matter what.

Itā€™s the meme of Trump lovers having avatars of selfies taken from their vehicles wearing a hat and sunglasses.

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Iā€™ve read Trump wouldnā€™t lose to Biden in 2020, Republicans would sweep 2022 mid-terms, Trump wouldnā€™t be held accountable for crimes etcā€¦

Trump lost to Biden, heā€™s lost multiple court cases, has to pay 100s of millions in fines, heā€™s now a convicted felon.

Barring something crazy Trump will lose to Biden again, will be convicted of even more felonies and will end up in jail.

Yea itā€™s taking a long time but itā€™s happening


NYT: With an average of 17 felony convictions between them, can Biden and Trump convince the American people that they can be trusted?


Donā€™t forget about the millions of mythical undecided voters who all live in some magical land of leprechauns where nobody has ever heard of Donald Trump so they are all waiting to see how he does in the debate to decide if he is the kind of person they could vote for.


Thereā€™s probably 5-10% of Americans who donā€™t care that much and just kind of see headlines and what their friends think (who tend to be republicans).

Those are the ones who are likely to hear convicted felon and think nah Iā€™m not going to vote for that and go against what my friends say. A good chunk donā€™t vote at all, but some think itā€™s their civic duty.

every time a cyclist doesnā€™t come to a full, complete stop there are 900 dipshits posting to nextdoor, when karen in her 90000 lb tahoe XXL does it nobody blinks an eye


I personally donā€™t mind cyclists going through stop signs or intersections as long as no one is turning or walking.

I mind cars coming to full stops at 4 way stops when Iā€™m behind them. Iā€™m expecting you to do a rolling stop so I will do a rolling stop behind you, nope have to break hard because you stopped for a full 3 seconds you noob driverā€¦oh wait youā€™re 50 and drive like that? hyachyachyach.

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Dafuq is a rolling stop? Lol. People get pulled over for not coming to a complete stop btw.

People ignoring traffic laws are way more tilting than people following them



As someone who frequently walks with my 3 year old through a neighborhood full of 4-way stops, this could not be more wrong.

Add another 10 seconds total to your comfortably seated trip in a climate controlled metal box and be considerate of the safety of pedestrians.