Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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Yes, a real meeting of the minds. No date announced.

i dont get the “this is political!!” i mean, i get it because those people are dumb… but ALL prosecutions are political in nature. DA’s are elected and USatty’s are politically appointed. da’s are prosecuting to get elected again. every prosecution is to “score political points” for you directly or for your boss… that’s how the system works. the “justice” is the by product not the goal.

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I’m not going to call him a shitty vote getter until the election is over. He outperformed the polls quite a bit both times.

I would vote for a Democratic convicted rapist over the most law-abiding Republican.

Out performed the polls does not a non-shitty-vote-getter make.

If poll say someone is going to get 10% and they get 20%, that’s massive overperformance, but they are still a pretty shit vote getter.

Having said that, I also think that he is not a shitty vote getter. Just not for that reason.

i feel like saying he’s a vote-getter isn’t wrong, lots of people who normally wouldn’t give a fuck about a cookie-cutter conservative or voting line up for him.

he’s just also a vote-againster.

How’s everyone feeling about the election? Gotta say I think this conviction is going to hurt his chances bigly. Call me naive, but here we are. A lot of people aren’t going to be able to bring themselves to vote for a literal convict. I don’t think those people would therefore vote for Biden, but they’d be likely to stay home or go third party.

Well, since you asked.

You’re naive


i just read that American Presidents on average have been convicted of .8 felonies each.


edit: convicted of .8 felonies… so far.


I think you are more right than wrong. The average pundit is so convinced that people are locked in more than reality. Sure, lots of people are, but lots of people are fickle and disconnected, too. There may not be a ton of them, but a couple-few percentage points is still a massive swing in the probabilities.


Not my buddy, my boss (although I have had drinks with him in a group setting)

I do believe he is telling the truth that he’d rather vote for Haley or Manchin and he doesn’t necessarily like Trump

It’s the policies. He’s a “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” guy who thinks being poor is a choice and honestly can’t fathom why anyone would choose it

Like you, I also would vote Biden (against Trump) even if he were in a coma on election day. So I do understand having such a vitriolic hatred for “the other guy” that you’d vote for anyone but. What I don’t quite understand is why Biden brings that out in people. What specific policies people hate so much that they’d vote for a convict

Unlike BruceZ, I would NOT vote for a Democrat convicted rapist against a generic Republican and don’t think most Democrats would. I hope I’m right about that

Generic Republican is drawing extremely live to also be a rapist. This might not be as easy as you think.


He’s probably lying about not liking Trump. I bet deep down he likes Trump, he just is pretending so as not to piss you off. Hating Biden is just an excuse he uses to justify his vote for Trump - when he would vote Trump over any D (including Manchin, that is just straight bs trying to sound like he doesn’t hate all D’s).



In 2020 he lost 51 to 46%. Imagine we see in 2024 52 to 42. Just a few points means a blowout.

I was feeling the conviction and here we are. I’m feeling good about the election.


I’m with you with a side of dread.

I don’t see Pennsylvania going Trump. Signs are way way down and Ive driven through the boonies recently. I live in the burbs which is supposedly where the difference is. Lots of outward conversations that are very Trump negative. I get they’ve gone stealth, but not that stealth.

Doesn’t mean I’m not massively worried. We are going to see real attempts to cheat- fake ballots, voter intimidation, shit- we may see false flag dem fake ballots to help plant the seed. Hopefully it’s more one-offs by MAGA nation that are easily exposed and not sophisticated operatives.


The caveat that you need to bear in mind is that these fickle people also have the memories of goldfish. As much as the “grab 'em by the pussy” tape materially hurt Trump (imo) in 2016, that got undone by Comey’s fearmongering about Buttery Males right before election day. The good thing about “Donald Trump is a convicted felon,” is exact that: it has a short, memorable, and easily understood message to go with it that can just be hammered over and over until election day. But Joe better not fuck something up, either.

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I think people are irrationally biased against convicts. Buttery males just supports that. But as you say, Biden needs to not make some huge blunder himself. I think if we had the election today we’d see a blowout. So let’s go status quo hooray.