Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Ugh this is probably such a fucked up part of the interview considering Mary Trump’s book goes into detail about how the family didn’t help Fred Jr. and watched as he drank himself to death so they could steal his inheritance and stay in the good graces of Fred Sr.

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QE kinda mean.


I don’t know. I think says more about her than Trump. Feels like when the lower class kid goes to Harvard and the snooty kids makes fun of them but in a way that only makes sense to the upper classes but especially if it’s in a way that’s factually wrong but how upper class people would think of lower people. Like I know it’s supposed to be an insult, but, like, there are no rodeo clowns at theme parks?
And dance hall girls in saloons? Unpopular dance hall girls at saloons?




Mixing those things up just makes it more dismissive and mean. Not unexpected from someone whose existence is not just about having her ass kissed but having it kissed in the precisely proper manner.

I love it, but I’ve got some questions.

  1. How does she know about the “arrangement”? Obviously Orange Man ain’t talking, and I doubt anyone else spilled the tea. Is she just assuming it like the rest of us? Does she get some sort of MI6 briefing before foreign heads of state visit?

  2. Was the “rodeo clowns”/“unpopular dance hall girls” burn a result of their attire? Behavior? Both? Something else?

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  1. From Newsweek: Elizabeth II “believed” that Donald and Melania Trump had an “arrangement” in their marriage because she couldn’t understand why the first lady stayed around, a new book has said.

  2. Probably have to read the book.


It’s not new knowledge that she sucked, but it is amusing that she looked down on the Trumps. Fuck em all


Thanks for the recap!

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Yeah it’s just the old money/new money thing, the latter is painfully obvious (because they do stuff like own gold toilets) and massively looked down upon by the former.

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Sounded like he did come across well. Really surprising.

I assume she thinks America is basically a giant 1950’s Western TV show and those are regular American jobs. It’s a great burn at any rate.



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One more:

When they say “she asked”, whom did she ask?

That’s some top level detective work there, Liz.


Maybe she got the real gossip from the MI6. Like yellow press stuff, but it was all true! :queen_amused:

I will not stand for your insults of my former Queen and the wife of my deity.

Trump, under glass.


Holy shit he licked up every drop of what the Obamas were serving. What a pathetic fuck.

And he looks like a clown in that glass box. Good.


He can’t be happy with the visual of that horrible glass glare.