Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I try to check them because I don’t have tiktok on my iPad but I forgot on the one. Seems borked. Took me to tiktok to watch which isn’t how it’s supposed to work.

Tiktok clearly has a strategy of making everything but “have the tiktok app on your phone” almost unusable.




Who’s good at photoshop?



These hacks are not interesting because MAGA doesn’t hide anything. They just say the quiet stuff out loud. I mean project 2025 just openly published their hundreds page long manifesto for making America a fascist dictatorship and it got moderate main stream media coverage at best.

I can’t imagine what could ever be in any hacked communications that would be even mildly shocking.

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Trumps campaign event royally fucked my commute home today. He just lost my vote.


Someone want to listen and report back?


I’d rather drink a fifth of Malort.



tomorrow at the gym, can’t lie i’m a little pumped. he’s gonna ask him some crazy questions.

i still have 30 mins of his interview with a carny that’s been hilarious, but that’s gonna be on hold now.

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Please someone just say it.

Quick, somebody alert Matt Gaetz’ weird eyebrows to get in the Sadaam hole

This is more book report style… but I had some spare time this morning. I didn’t think about timestamps until I was about 75% done… oh well.

The interview starts off with Trump saying that Barron is a fan of Theo’s show and that is how he knows of Theo. Theo starts to ask a question and Trump interrupts him "Do you want to start? Ya, go ahead.”, while pushing on the arms of the chair as if to straighten himself upright and pulling on his lapels to make sure his suit is set. Theo asks if Barron plays sports and Trump says he golfs and is very good at soccer.

Theo asks “What is one thing you admire about your sons?”

  • Don Jr - “He’s a hunter, great great hunter and knows everything about that world and guns and all.” I guess
  • Eric - Loves real estate and business, also loves hunting. Mentions that their grandfather took them hunting in Czechoslovakia

Theo mentions seeing the brothers at UFC and they start to talk about Dana White and the UFC in general. They talk about Trumphistory in fighting and he claims the first fight he ever attended was Ali-Frazier with his father and brother Robert. Trump said there were a bunch of heart attacks that occurred in the arena during the event. Theo makes a “early KO” joke but it deflects of Don’s hair.

They go into the Elon interview. Trump hams it up that it was the best conversation and they had millions of millions of views. Then he goes on about the quality of the audio and how they fixed the audio and put out a “perfect” version. Theo said he only listened for about 20 minutes but wish they could’ve been in the same room for that interview.

That leads into Trump talking Truth Social and how the big social medias colluded against him. Then one day he put out a press statement and realized he needed a platform to put his voice out there.

They veer back into UFC a little bit and somehow Kid Rock gets brought up. Trump says “He is a legend, I guess, in a true sense.” Theo says he saw Rock play somewhere and that there was a heart attack at this even too, but it was probably funnel cake related and Trump actually had a small laugh. Theo lives in Nashville and Kid Rock invited him over to parties and they hang out some. They both apparently know Kid Rock’s family pretty well.

Theo asks Trump about drinking and smoking. Trump said his brother Fred had a problem with alcohol and taught him a lesson to not drink or smoke. Trump says he heard that alcohol is harder to quit than other drugs and Theo makes a joke something like “rarely do you go to dinner and people are having Xanax as appetizers.” This elicited a laugh out of Trump too. Trump asks Theo about his recovery and addictions. They talk more about Fred’s addiction and Theo asks Trump if it is even OK that they talk about it, probably sensing his guest is a little uncomfortable. Trump says “Well you know, the reason it’s good talking about it is it might help other people. If it helps 1 other person it’s worth the conversation.” Trump repeats that he’s never had a cigarette or a glass of alcohol. Trump definitely worried if he drank that he’d end up addicted and in trouble. Trump tells a story of a friend that hated the taste of scotch but drank it because he thought it was required to do business. The guy ended up becoming a huge alcoholic and died. They continue to talk about Fred. Theo asks what’s something he misses about him and things that he was good at.

This episode brought to you by and Oracle.

Interview comes back and they are continuing on about addiction and how addiction and alcoholism has become a much bigger problem than even 20 years ago. Theo talks about the Sacklers and ask Trump what he can do to curtail the opioid crisis. “We had committees… Fentanyl is bad… They think they are going to do away with pain, you take it for 2 weeks and you are addicted to it.” Trump mistakenly thinks Theo was addicted to fentanyl and asks “well how did you get addicted?” and Theo responds “No, I would just do cocaine.” Trump laughs, cocks his head a little bit and says “Hah, that’s down and dirty, right?” Trump again asks Theo about his addiction to try and understand it a little more. Theo explains it is similar to his alcoholic friend that died story. He did it because he had fun then got addicted and didn’t even have fun partaking anymore.

Theo tries to get us back onto big pharma and lobbyist cronyism. Trump, “Well you have to stop listening to lobbyists. I wasn’t a big fan of lobbyists.” So, he mentions the problem… but no solution. Theo asks “so what can you do to fix that?” Trump tries to say something along the lines you can’t be a lobbyist if you’ve worked for the government. Theo asks if we can outlaw lobbyists and Trump says there is a constitution issue, and just redescribing the problem again.

Theo: “it’s pretty clear the establishment doesn’t like you.”

Trump: “Well the people like me! We’re leading now in all the polls. Rasmussen just came out and we’re leading by like 5 points, it’s a highly rated poll.” :harold:

Theo pushes along the establishment conversation. Trump thinks they don’t like him because he doesn’t do things just because that’s how they were done before, or something. Trump goes on a lie of claims about the accomplishments of his presidency.

Theo brings up that he had Bernie on recently and Trump laughs and thinks it is interesting. Theo talks about how Trump and Bernie are both against big medical industry. Theo talks about the transparent pricing Trump added but Biden isn’t punishing them. Theo asks if Chuck Schumer is the reason there are high health care costs. Trump gives some fuel and says that Chuck is a huge recipient of these dollars and that ya basically.

Theo asks what are some of the lobbies we don’t know about. Trump, the most important and powerful lobby is the lawyers, then teachers, but he only goes on about lawyers. Trump wants the losers of lawsuits to have to pay for the lawyers on both sides. I’m not sure he’s thought about that much.

Theo mentions a rumor about RFK Jr. as a VP, Trump quickly says “no”. But he says they are friends.

42:45 - They start to talk about the debate with Biden. Theo felt angry after the debate. Theo’s dad was 70 when he was born, so he has a soft spot for elders and especially those getting taken advantage of. Theo asks “what do you think happened in the back rooms?” Trump “I know what happened in the backrooms. It was probably unconstitutional… they threatened him violently, probably.” Trump talks about how he shouldn’t have even accepted the debate, but it was pretty good for him.

46:35 - Trump asks Theo if he likes Bernie. They talk about how Bernie is really sharp and not experiencing the same issues as Biden. Theo likes Bernie because of his stance health care. Trump talks about bringing insulin down to $35 but democrats took credit for it.

50:20 - Lyin’ Kamala… Trump claims she just lies and he started to give an example but didn’t quite get it out. “She’s the worst Vice President ever. He’s the worst President ever.” Theo says something like “heard she’s a good roller skater”, Trump replies “that’s about it.” which makes Theo laugh.

51:46 - Theo says “we’re gonna wrap it up soon” and Trump gives him the raised eyebrows and mouths something about leaving.

Theo asks about the border and the interviews with border agents he’s had on his podcast. He asks Trump what he’ll do. Trump “we’re going to seal the border and I had it very well sealed. we had the most successful border in the history of our country.” Trump riffs more about criminal illegal immigrants.

Probably a little more I missed towards the end, but they close out with mutual thanks and also special thanks to Dana White for setting it up.




-he went to ali/frazier at MSG, he was great friends with ali and many, many people had heart attacks in the crowd

-90,000,000 people are waiting for him to get back on twitter

-said kid rock is a really good person, theo responded with “yeah and he’s a real dirt serpent too”. trump calls kid rock “bob”

-they’re talking about drugs/alcohol, trump’s asking theo about recovery. not gonna lie, this is the first time i’ve ever listened to him where he’s asking questions and curious about the other person. i’m at 20 minutes in and if i didn’t know anything except for this convo, trump sounds like a good dude. crazy

-brother fred was an alcoholic so he’s never once hit a cigarette or taken a sip of alcohol

-fred was a great pilot. very talented pilot. other pilots would come to his house to learn. lmao

-cocaine is “down and dirty” ahahaha

-theo: “cocaine will turn you into an owl, homie. you’ll be your own street lamp” trump: interesting

-leading in all the polls. rasmussen polls are the most accurate aaahahaha the people like me a lot so i’m winning, millions and millions more votes!

-recently we had bernie sanders on… “interesting lol”

-the most powerful and harmful lobbyists are teachers. wat

-theo’s dad was 70 when he was born, and bc of that he feels that taking advantage of old people is wrong. trump: “that was the most important debate in history and they threatened him with violence afterwards”. he’s still soooo salty about not getting to steamroll him haha.

-he keeps calling him donald or dude, which is awesome

-took 44 minutes for trump to start rambling about politics, theo cut him off ahahaha

-worst vp of all time, borders are bad, the wall was built and it worked, blah blah. “two things that are never obsolete: walls and wheels” lol

definitely becoming a theo von guy. first 40 minutes trump was likable. def worth the listen


fuck i started taking notes before i saw yours.

most likable trump has ever been right? except for the last 10-15 minutes

All good, definitely prefer to have multiple perspectives and we captured a lot of similar notes to be honest!

I don’t know about “likable” but he definitely shot up in the Airplane Seating Scenario meme! He’s not as crazy on a 1:1 level as he comes across on the political pulpit and I could probably play 9 holes or watch some fights with him without it being unbearable.