Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

…dead. They’re often dead. When you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom it is usually for other things, like you have achieved great success…

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Trump is a generational bullshitter, but he’s not great at lying. He can’t say “I have the utmost respect and admiration for those who gave their lives and limbs for this great nation” because he doesn’t believe it. He truly would rather have the medal for which you are not required to make a great sacrifice, so that’s what he says. And he’s just incapable of dressing it up.


Yes this; it is worth pointing out that this is an example of Trump when he is neither lying nor bullshitting. This is Trump at his most self-aware - he loves attention, recognition and winning awards but he doesn’t like being hurt or killed. Dudes not wrong. Also the good award comes from the president, not that icky congress.


He’s basically answering the question the way my 9-year-old would: One award means you are probably badly injured or dead, with the other you probably aren’t injured or dead. I’d take the one without all the injury and death.

That’s not really the answer to the question “Which is a higher honor”? But when Trump hears that question, his brain defaults to “Which would you rather get?” and the reasoning above ensues.


god he can’t shut up what a fucking moron

Well at least MAGA knows not to push for any posthumous awards for Trump now

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He got shot. He merits the Congressional Medal of Honorable Presidential Freedom.



This is the ad.

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Why can’t he open his right eye?

All that time spent jerkin two dudes off at the same time has consequences.


I gotta say I’m with Don on this one; I, too, would prefer the honor that doesn’t come with suffering! :transmet_smiley:

Maybe not incapable, but he doesn’t even think about dressing it up, which is so weird.

something something horse semen?

The question wasn’t “Which medal would you prefer receiving?”

In fact there wasn’t even a question. Trump just unprompted decided to trash the Medal of Honor in favor of the medal he gave Miriam Adelson for donating money.



I didn’t watch it but cliffs are “Trump’s a know-nothing moron”

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These embedded TikToks never seem to play for me - not sure if it’s due to not having a TikTok account or something else.


Basically just trump saying the world would end financially under Biden but the opposite happened.

Things like your 401k will go to zero kind of stuff. There were a lot of Donald’s dumb statements where he promised doom for Biden’s presidency.