Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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Fat Elvis.


Current or future date rapists.

I think itā€™ll be interesting because he should at least be conflicted about using the glass if no one else is. Remember itā€™s super important to him that he doesnā€™t look weak or scared. Hence, why he resisted wearing a mask so hard during covid


Heā€™s really coping about the crowd size.

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None of this matters. What matters is that letting Trump play the victim gets him votes

You absolutely do not ever have to hand it to the Lincoln Project


From the articles on the bullet proof glass, the president and VP have it available if needed, so they canā€™t call Trump a coward on that account. Trump didnā€™t have it before because heā€™s not as important and itā€™s heavy and expensive to move. Too expensive for a billionaire or the campaign to pay for, I guess.

That was a little much even for me

itā€™s kind of an indictment of our system that the president is such a singularly important person. Iā€™m not saying we shouldnā€™t worry about nutjobs but like if the UK prime minister has a heart attack or whatever and dies suddenly, they just plug in the next guy and heā€™s moved into 10 downing that afternoon. Same thing with isis (to be clear you do not under any circumstances gotta hand it to em), dude gets drone striked and the next man up is already plugging away.


Wait, isnā€™t that exactly what happens if the U.S. President dies?

Yeah but then the VP who takes over has to find and nominate their own new VP and Congress has to approve that person. Iā€™m assuming in a Parliamentary system that stuff is already planned out so the new PM already knows who the new backup PM would be.

The one time so far in US history a VP had to be replaced it took almost 2 months from start to finish.


well it is but itā€™sconsidered a big tumultuous event (obviously it would be a big deal in the UK but here itā€™s thought to be a MUCH more significant event 1) because the executive is extremely powerful and 2) the VP is very rarely a close match policy-wise for POTUS (theyā€™re usually picked to balance the ticket, not to intensify it)

Yeah, I dunno. Pageantry aside, continuity of government after the POTUS dies or resigns is something the US handles pretty well.

yeah but like, look at the difference between Lincoln and Johnson. You could argue thatā€™s like, the absolutely opposite of continuity.

I hope the media frames him behind the glass properly.

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How do people sit still through all this? Grandpa rambling on about some sports guy from 100 years ago.


Actually the President has no power

Unless heā€™s got an R next to his name


I think theyā€™re all on the far right.