Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

His smug fucking face might be even worse

Dude on the far-right looks semi-normal? Oh wait, they’re all on the far-right.



Trump would yell at his handlers for putting him in the same room with the guy on the right.



Still doesn’t want to pay for indoor venues.

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He doesn’t pay for any venues. The indoor places know they are getting stiffed.

That’s why a lot of those (? most) aren’t letting him book.

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are the outdoor venues just uniquely unaware that he doesn’t pay?

I assume he pays those up front because they are cheaper and they wouldn’t book him otherwise.

It’s free money. Why don’t we just put infinite tariffs on people? Why should Americans pay for the American things when we can make everyone else pay?

He is such an economic simpleton who understands nothing. It’s why the rich are such fans.

Seems like a lot of the outdoor venues are on some bumfuck farm thats probably owned by a massive trumper. Getting to have him yell about girls weight lifting and sharks electrocuting right on their property is payment enough.


It will be such a layup for Harris and Walz to make fun of him for hiding behind bullet proof glass like a coward.



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I disagree.

The fact we are not talking about the assassination attempt is the gift. And the right knows it. Last thing they want to do is bring it back.

Mock him for staying home and not campaigning, but don’t mention the shooting even tangentially.


Mock him for not being able to book indoor venues because he can’t afford them is a much better choice.


I think that would be a bad idea. Trump’s a piece of shit, but he still came an inch away from getting his brains blown out. It’s understandable that one would be nervous about putting themselves in a situation where it could happen again. Most people would probably have long-term trauma from that.

Making fun of him for taking precautions would just look insensitive.


Ya ok good

Fuck that coward.

I was just subjected to a Trump youtube ad that I couldn’t skip, which I have to admit was pretty effective. His whole pitch was: “Please donate to me, but only if you can afford it, which of course so many people can’t because of Biden’s economy. If you can’t afford it, please don’t, we’ll still win. But if you can, please donate.”

Tangentially related, I’ve found people telling on themselves that they get most of their news from right-wing media or social media, when they’re just sure this is the worst economy ever. Even people who don’t post politics. I’m like “oh I know where you get your news”.

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