Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!


Are those the questions in front of him or the answers? Either way pretty weak sauce.


I think just notes/talking points. I don’t even recall Elno asking a real question. It was more “So what should we talk about…lawfare?” & “Would you agree that legal immigration is ok, but illegal immigration is not ok?” type stuff.

Sure, but didn’t Trump make a bunch of hay about Biden having the similar notes at something or the other? (I know, who can remember…)

Yes, he is a mentally diminished hypocrite. Can confirm.

My use of the word conversation is deliberate.

This is so that people understand how @realDonaldTrump talks when it’s a conversation, rather than an interview.

Nobody is quite themselves in an interview, so it’s hard to understand what they’re really like.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 12, 2024

An interviewer might actually fact check or push back on Trump’s bullshit.

Turns out he talks exactly the same no matter the setting! Press conference, interview, conversation, tweet, Truth, etc., etc. Who’d have thunk it.


When they thought he was going to win they were desperate to normalize him.

I get what you are saying and maybe that is true. But dont most people have to get teeth extracted for a full run of dentures? And seems pretty wild that a rich dude like Trump would lose so many teeth in the first place. Trump is a never-naked dude I just cant imagine that he willingly spends his nights toothless



Just out of shot in that photo there is a painting.

Imagine the narcissism required to commission that picture, let alone place it at the head of your dining room table.


Love the 45-year-old with a Nazi haircut.


wait they only streamed the audio? and they still couldn’t get it to work? lollll

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Why have this if he has $300-800k sitting in savings accounts? If you never use it do you have to pay any kind of recurring fee?

line of credit worth between $500,000 and $1 million line at 6.58%, which he can draw from on demand

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Who the fuck need a million dollar line of credit if your not a business!

guy owns 250-500k$ worth of cryptocurrency. he probably uses that line of cash to shoot dice at underground clubs