Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

He said bad. The next adjective was the same meaning as bad.

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Did not listen. I assume it was weird.

He gave her a “Go sit down.” The guy’s all class!

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Here he is doing the X interview


So much lol at Trumps moronity!

But make sure you sell the lower property before it’s swamped when you buy the higher property.
He is absolutely legit in the bottom 5% of intelligence of the world population.

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They really need to adapt the skill/habit (Pete B is really good at this from what I’ve seen in his clips) of channeling these things back to their core message. Trump’s awful behavior will always energize his base (who are all assholes that want to line up behind the bully and punch down at people) but it can also be used to energize the Dem base and others if you spin it:

“Yes, I saw the video where Trump calls me a “bitch”. This should be shocking from a Presidential candidate, but it is not, because we know who he is. And we know who Vance is. And we know what they stand for. We know what they think about women. It’s why they attack the reproductive rights that we defend.”


It’s okay. But this is no Tim Walz attack judo.

Need to get it down to two or three lines.

How about

Yes. I saw he called me a bitch. He’s a rapist who shouldn’t be anywhere near our children, let alone our healthcare. The women in his life can’t stand him, which should tell us everything we need to know about that man.


Another thing is that most people probably assume that this is kind of standard, and Kamala is privately calling Trump a fucking imbecile, and they might be right. Unless Trump goes and says this to her face at the debate or something, it’s going nowhere.


Yeah, but she thinks Trump is an imbecile because Trump is an imbecile. He thinks she is a “bitch” because he is a sexist that plans to implement more draconian, broadly unpopular, downright weird anti-woman policy. This is not a “both sides” thing, it’s a “good vs. bad” thing.


You’re overthinking it, imo. Bitch is just a generic slur you use on a woman you don’t like for a number of possible reasons. At least that is how I hear it used in the wild.

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I remember the dentures theory from a few years ago. Is there actually any confirmation that this guy has dentures? And if so why? I have a hard time imagining that a vain billionaire has dentures these days, seems like a suspect theory. Or is this just a troll I am not getting?

We know Trump is a sexist asshole. It’s not overthinking anything to suggest that when the routinely sexist guy calls a rival a bitch that he is being sexist. He’s proud of it! He bragged about grabbing women by the pussy! It’s who he is! This is a winning message for Dems in the post Roe v. Wade era! Abortion rights is winning for them right now!


I have a very easy time believing that Trump will not submit to dental work.

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Like a lot of old people, he’s also stuck in time somewhat. If dentures were the solution of 1993, then that’s the solution for Trump.


it’s kind of amazing they didn’t bother getting in the same room together, just waaaay more likely that something technical goes off the rails in this scenario


Trump cheats.