Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I like how the kids playing the spectators are raising their fists.

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“Unions gain nothing from endorsing the racist, misogynistic, and anti-trans politics of the far right, no matter how much people like Sen. Hawley attempt to tether such bigotry to a cynical pro-labor message. The message this sends to Teamsters of color, Teamster women, and LGBTQ Teamsters is that they are not welcome in the union unless they surrender their identity to a new kind of anti-woke unionism. You don’t unite a diverse working class by scoffing at its diversity,” said the now deleted tweet.

The Teamsters president’s participation and apparent endorsement of anti-trans and anti-queer politics from the Republican Party could signal a profound betrayal to LGBTQ+ workers, who depend on union protections for their safety and rights. As the Teamsters Union remains silent on its presidential endorsement, the stakes have never been higher for those workers impacted by Republican policies. LGBTQ+ union members are left with the question of whether or not their rights will be bartered away for political favor with a party that has repeatedly positioned itself against their very existence.


Like, epistemologically?

A paternalistic, scientific, reductionist desire for the narrative to be neat and consistent.


After threats of violence and arson, as well as being review bombed on Yelp, the general manager took the sign down.


Look at his fucking arms.

Somebody is compensating like crazy

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How to say the same thing 10 times.

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People keep joking about how bad of a shooter the kid is, but shit man, he still hit the dude’s ear from a long ways away. And it seems like he would’ve actually succeeded in his assassination attempt if Trump didn’t turn his head.


I disagree. We all hope they shoot trump in the head - next time.

Hah, I know where this place is. Kinda surprised the owner would do that considering the clientele there have to skew heavily MAGA.


I think the adjectives are not in the right order, but fixing it would be a mess.

Great shirt imo!!

I got vaxxed and hate guns, so I’d have to buy it for a friend.

I oppose threats of violence and I am almost a free-speech absolutist… Having said that, making jokes about an attempted murder probably ain’t great for business.

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Most likely, yes. But in addition to poor skill, he had just been surprised by the cop on the roof so his aim could have been hurried. It’s possible his first shot was so far off it hit the corner of the teleprompter and the initial reports that Trump was injured by a bit of glass are correct. We don’t have any info from the doctors who treated him but according to Eric Trump, his dad didn’t need any stitches.

The threats of violence may have literally saved his business if your observation is correct. The fewer people who see a sign like that, the better (from a business perspective).

Looks like a da share z0ne shirt


I love how all the motherfuckers who are objectively evil always have such a problem woth Satan


I was wrong. We have heard from Trump’s doctor, Ronny Jackson or Johnson or whatever his name is.

—The shooter visited the rally site a few days in advance to scope it out
—62 mins elapsed between the time the shooter was photographed as being suspicious and when he fired the shots
—20 mins elapsed between the time he was spotted by snipers & when he fired the shots
—FBI Director Wray said there’s no known foreign nexus but no established motive as of now. Shooter used encrypted comms and had little to no social media presence

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20 minutes is a long ass time. I’m not saying they need to shoot him on sight before they know what he’s up to, but it seems perfectly reasonable to A) not let Trump go out if you’ve spotted a potential sniper, and B) send a team of guys up there to find out what the hell he’s doing.