Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

You’re assuming the conclusion: is it really effective propaganda? How do you know? Do you feel more sympathetic toward Trump after seeing the photo? Because I don’t.


I’m gonna rewatch that this weekend. Also, you can’t really spoil Columbo, at least not in the usual way.


I had just re-watched this ep last week. It’s great.


Non related Tenacious D in Australia story: 12 years ago I was playing 2/5 NL in Perth and the poker room got a call that Jack Black was coming in to play after his show and he wanted something higher than 2/5, so we started an uncapped 5/10 game with one seat reserved for him. Everyone was ready for a crazy night. He came in completely fucked up, hardly said anything, bought in for like $500 and folded his stack down to $200 and then left. So that’s my playing poker with Jack Black story!

I felt kinda bad about taking a sneaky photo, but this is what I took





Trying to spin this as “he’s making a big deal
Out of nothing” and going into some scoldy type lecture on how this is really no big deal is just a bad plan. The guy was shot at, you just sound like an idiot trying to trivialize that. If you want to interact with the narrative, just come up with something short and dismissive like, “I prefer candidates that don’t get shot” or some other bullshit.


Bad news, bros: John Hinkley has gone WOKE


Yeah except this

hokie quote above

‘The Tenacious D thing is so fucking dumb. If they just shrugged it off and said it was a dumb joke no one would care’

It’s more like we’re not in the news knee jerk reaction and this will get us in the news. Dickheads.

this pic makes the rally look a lot smaller than the tv would have you believe


Yeah IDK, I’m no expert either, but if the bullet barely grazed his ear and only touched skin/cartilage, why would there be anything more?

“A guy was aiming bullets at Trump’s head and just barely missed” makes a lot more sense to me than some alternative explanation where shrapnel flew (from where?) and just happened to hit the intended target super close to where he was aiming.

There’s also a photo of what looks like a bullet. And Trump says he heard a bullet whizzing by. I mean, idk if we need to reach for a different explanation here.

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I assumed you could ignore that. But let’s say 1 g of Trump ear is vaporized by the bullet. If his ear is mostly water, the energy lost by the bullet would increase the expected length of the streak in the picture from about 4 inches to ~4.2. I think this is an overestimate but in any case the difference wouldn’t be obvious. Since I’m bad at numbers, I’ll show my work if someone wants to check this.

I think the bullet could be there in the picture at the right end of the visible streak (which is roughly 1 ft long). That part is less visible but is about the right length. The part of the trace that stands out is probably water vapor, despite the fact that the humidity wasn’t high enough for what people say you need and it’s maybe weird it doesn’t extend all the way to the left end of the frame. There’s an explanation and example of a vapor trail in this yt short.

This is all idle speculation on my part. I’m not claiming certainty or any special knowledge.


Put that kid at the top of the D ticket. LFG


That official said the building was connected to the one that Crooks had used, but could not say which building it was.

It was different but connected. Oh boy.

I’m at a work charity golf tournament today and some joker shows up in this shirt

Fuck him


Doesn’t look like much of a meat eater to me


Let him know he’s balding. They appreciate facts.