Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I feel like you can’t win though, if people pound on this too much you’ll just get “zomg the possible next leader of the free world almost got MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD and all you can do is nit-pick about what hit his ear” and it’ll be seen as legitimately petty. So we have to put up with Trump possibly cosplaying as “guy who survived a bullet wound” for the rest of his life.

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Something deeply funny about the sunglasses and beard F-150 crew demeaning Vance’s Yale educated bigshot lawyer wife


Your post is rude and unacceptable. In point of fact, Trump is a former gameshow host.

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Sure I guess. But how on earth would trump lying about the bullet be a big deal?

Jay Dee has a law degree from Yale and they love

Mr. Pelosi attacked by right wing lunatic:

“MC Hammer memes for months. Hammer time!”

Trump gets shot at:

“Well I never! Show some CLASS people!”


I do not wish for anyone to be shot. At least not without due process. I think public hangings should be brought back, but that’s probably a topic for another thread.

We all sort of took for granted that the shooting would boot Trump’s numbers but I’m not so sure. I guess it will be hard to decouple any assassination attempt bump from the normal convention bump. In a normal era people might rally around a shot candidate but Trump is so uniquely polarizing that the rules may be different.


He stars in one of the single most effective propaganda photos of all time that is a lock to win the Pulitzer and you don’t think it will help him?

Are you kidding? What kind of leader glorifies a minor flesh wound to make themselves look tougher? A shard of glass means he was inches away from losing an eye not losing his life. Tough guys don’t make a big deal about flesh wounds, Trump doing so would just reinforces his being a buffoon who is unfit to lead. Particularly since he hasn’t made any kind of deal out of the other people who were actually wounded or killed in the attack.

Around 2010, Sarah Palin published a map of the U.S. with crosshairs “targeting” congressional districts held by Democrats that she thought the Republicans could win in the next election. Almost literally everyone on the Right defended it. (Including me at the time.)

I take it you’re not a Columbo fan.


Even if the failed assassination attempt only serves as a distraction, that’s good for Republicans. Republicans’ value proposition is basically just default American values: Taxes Bad, Guns Good, Crime Bad, Racism Good. If the public does not hear a more appealing pitch from Dems, then Rs will win. Every moment spent talking about anything other than what Dems will do to help voters with their problems is the loss of a fleeting opportunity for Dems to make that case. It helps Rs to keep talking about Trump getting shot or how old Biden is or any of the other things that are consuming the public discourse. If Dems don’t make a simple and direct value proposition to voters then they’re dead.

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“Just one more thing, Mr. Trump …”


a) It was a dumb joke in the moment.

b) He sincerely apologized.

c) He’s an entertainer, not a political figure.

It seems like the backlash is out of proportion to the crime.


By February next year, criticizing Trump may be punishable by death.


All of that makes sense in another timeline but there is no world we live in where him lying about the bullet matters in any way.

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I always want to know all the details in stuff like this. Just general curiosity, and you never know when some tidbit might be useful later in life.

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People are speculating that that streak is moving too slowly to be a bullet. I don’t know if they took into account it being slowed by an ear.

There’s literally a Columbo episode where a guy running for Senate tries to make it look like someone took a shot at him and Columbo is all over the loose ends.

Spoilers, obviously